elrst.com is back, for good

If you wanted to access this website between last Thursday and this morning, you noticed it wasn’t properly working. As I just brought back my articles, everything is as brand new again.

This happened as I changed of hosting solution. I changed it as I needed more space for my database where all the articles are placed. The new hosting solution will also enable me to access to more professional options.

This website was created on May 27th of 2004 and comprised at that time some texts as well as my resume in French, English and German. This was a very basic website with just a dozen pages.

I first created this website to present me and my curriculum. I was at that time just finishing my three-year degree at the ACI Dijon with my internship in Germany. Just a few months later, I would include some pages based on my first findings on ecology and sustainable development.

But let’s get back to the present days. I just published today the two last parts of the articles on the Stabilization wedges. I hope you will enjoy them. I decided to publish them with Friday and Saturday dates as they were scheduled to be available to you at that time.

Before Friday I will publish this month’s cultural break and an article in French summing up what happened in May regarding to climate change and sustainable development. I hope you will enjoy both articles.

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