Hello and welcome to the brand new version of my blog which brings several improvements in both aesthetic and practical aspects.
The first change is the top of the blog that now features Earthrise. I wanted this picture to be part of this blog as it combines my passions for the protection of the environment and photography.
Other major change, the right part of the blog – or sidebar – is now smaller to give more space to the core of the blog, my articles.
The sidebar now features my favorite environmental blogs and websites. They are my main information sources to date and each and everyone of them are worth reading and subscribing to their feeds. I hope you will enjoy them as much as I do.
Meanwhile, I removed the newspapers part as I didn’t find it relevant.
Many many thanks to my friend ColdFire for doing the job I haven’t been able to do in months as it was too technical for me. The sheer genius did that in less than two hours. Congratulations !
Edit on June 4th : Also many thanks to Max from Blog Tool Box for working on the about me section. He included tabs that enable you to read a short presentation of me and of this blog in English and French. Additional versions in German and Spanish will come soon.
I hope you will like this version and am looking forward from reading your comments on this matter.
Your new look is awesome! I know it’s a lot of work to revamp a blog. I’m looking forward to reading new posts. Have a great weekend! ~ Daryl
Many thanks Daryl for both your kind comment and your e-mail. And welcome since it is your first comment here !
Basically, it took me a year to go from the original theme to this one. There have been many changes but I think that apart from a couple a think, the design will remain the same for some time.
I look forward to reading new posts on your blog. I will write new things here on Sunday or Monday. Meanwhile : have a great week end !