Since I don’t have that much time to blog, I restrain myself to around 25 articles per month. However, more news are worth reading and blogging about.
My goal being to provide you with the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development and related topics, I had to find a solution.
It came with my use of Twitter. Indeed, each time I find a news worth reading I tweet about it. Here are my best tweets this month.
- The global energy crisis and its role in the pending collapse of the global economy. On the Oil Drum :…
- on TreeHugger: Era of cheap oil is over, Prices will top $200: International Energy Agency.
- on Ecogeek: Obama: Enough about the f**ing light bulbs already.… Yes We Can !
- The CEO of Areva – world leader in nuclear – published a book on the third energy revolution. Seems interesting. Think I will read it.
- on CleanTechnica: Will nuclear fusion solve the energy crisis?
- To the AFP, EU must improve energy security. Energy efficiency: this is the answer!
- French oil giant Total sees nuclear energy for growth after peak oil. Thanks Dad for the news !
Sustainable development:
- IMF urges stimulus as global growth down sharply. Could Green Growth be the answer ?
- This strip from the Arctic Circle rocks : Why clean coal is clean
Climate Change:
- On TreeHugger: Everest and Himalayan Glaciers Could Vanish By 2035, Imperiling a Billion People
- Bonus: if you want more after my latest article, please read the World View of Global Warming page on rising sea levels
- 100th tweet: Obama becomes the 44th President of the United States. +330 votes. God bless America. going to sleep soon. (written at 5.32 am local time)
- After having found websites for geeks in Spanish, found an EcoGeek website in this language:
- If you bought a small car and wonder if you can have sex in it, TreeHugger will alleviate your doubts:
- OECD forecasts a protracted economic slowdown in US, Japan and Euro area. Worst year since 1945. Noooo!
- Reading a great article on why we are up shit creek with our economies via HuffPost :
I hope you liked this as I plan to do this every month to complement my blogging.
Please note that each article published on this blog are announced and linked on my Twitter. So if you are already using Twitter and like this blog, don’t hesitate to follow me !
I look forward to reading from your comments on this idea or the news mentioned there.
Great roundup of tweets and posts. The melting of the Himalayan Glaciers is indeed frightening. Keep up the good work! ~ Daryl
Thanks Daryl for your kind comment. Glad you liked this post.
Enjoy your weekend and stay tuned for more !