A new hope for a planet in peril

The election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America represents to many people around the world a new hope on several topics including energy and climate change.

He stated that we are living in “a Planet in peril”. This couldn’t be more true. Yet, with him at the White House I am confident things will get better in dramatic ways.

Many bloggers and institutions wrote on the various challenges that lies ahead of President Obama (I love writing those two words together… ). Here is a selection.

The WWF “look forward to working with the new President and his administration to implement the progressive environmental policies which he championed throughout his campaign.”

Read their full press release.

EcoGeek reports they are “also getting a glimpse into how President Elect Obama (!!!!!!) really thinks we’re going to address the global environmental crisis.”

Read the full post.

Andrew Revkin on Dot Earth noted that “Mr. Obama will of course be mainly focused first on economic renewal and finding a way forward in Iraq and Afghanistan. But inevitably issues related to humanity’s growth spurt — both in numbers and resource demands — will come to the fore.”

Read the full article and follow the discussion.

No Impact Man wrote “This is a moment when we can say to ourselves: “Yes, we can.” Yes, we can rise to the challenges that face us. Yes, we can learn to live in harmony with each other and with the habitat we depend upon for our health, happiness and security.”

Read his full post.

Finally, Marguerite stated : “(…) will we use the skills learned during the Obama campaign to mount a national community effort, this time to address the threat of climate change?”

Read the whole statement.

In any case, be sure that I will keep you posted on the advances brought by President Obama on the energy/environmental agenda for the four (or eight) years ahead. So for this and for much more, stay tuned !

1 thought on “A new hope for a planet in peril”

  1. Pingback: Obama’s environment dream team: Steven Chu

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