I have been committed for three years to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.
However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. However, many more great news are worth reading and blogging about so I had to find a way to share them with you.
This solution came last year with my use of Twitter as I use my account to share with my followers news that are worth your time. Here is a selection of the most interesting ones.
Energy and Cleantech
- RT@greenbizdaily http://bit.ly/GrBiz How Concentrated Solar Power Can Meet India’s Future Power Needs http://goo.gl/fb/K5E0
- RT @ecogeek U.S. Could Generate 37 Million GWh of Wind Power Per Year http://bit.ly/d4AxRz
- RT @greenbizdaily http://bit.ly/GrBiz Nuclear Energy’s Second Wind http://goo.gl/fb/3OYt
- CleanTechnica » Top 10 “Clean Energy” Topics to Keep an Eye On http://bit.ly/dkszQe
- RT @TechCrunch Al Gore Joins Richard Branson in Backing GreenRoad http://tinyurl.com/ylj6hg5 Awesome idea and tech !
- RT @greentechmedia Why Antivirus Vendors Could Become Kings of Green Computing:Greentech Media http://is.gd/7ajp3
- RT @TheOilDrum Making the Best of Our Situation Now: Most of us think our situation 10, 20 or 50 years from now will not be as… http://bit.ly/9KthlX
- RT @greenupgrader Video Game Vampires: Which Gaming Console Is Draining Your Power? http://is.gd/8AHdE #green #tech #gaming
- RT @CleanTechies News: Carbon Capture and Storage Gains a Growing Foothold http://bit.ly/cx7Om5 #cleantech #green #renewable
Climate change
- RT @TheGoGreenBlog More Mega-Snowstorms Coming – http://bit.ly/9Mr5Jl
- RT @sciencemagazine The cognitive effect of extreme weather on the climate debate http://ow.ly/16xyx (via @nytimes)
- Climate is too warm in Vancouver #Olympics. NY Times : Men’s Downhill Race Is Postponed http://is.gd/8jlJq
- RT @TreeHugger With 5 Billion Subscriptions, Mobile Industry Has Emissions On Par With Auto and Aviation Industries http://bit.ly/93dmKI
Sustainable development
- RT @ecogeek New Bill Would Create 10 Million Solar Roofs in 10 Years http://bit.ly/cnv3YU
- RT @greenoptions Each Ton of CO2 Worth $40 in Health Costs: Using coal for electricity produces CO2, and climate policy aims to pr… http://bit.ly/8ZUX3V
- RT @algore No surprise. Exxon lies about pledge not to fund climate deniers http://bit.ly/9pI7RN
- @autobloggreen First downtowns, and now suburbs: how cars change American geography http://bit.ly/dvPQvt
Bloom Box
- RT @TechCrunch The Future Of Energy? Bloom Energy Boxes Are Already Powering Google, eBay, Others http://is.gd/8ULhT
Bill Gates’ speech at TED
- RT@Michael_GR Bill Gates at TED 2010: Climate and Energy http://is.gd/8FHwl @grist
- RT @frankejames .@BillGates wants Zero RT @Worldchanging Bill Gates: the Most Important Climate Speech of the Year http://bit.ly/bQVibU
- I need your support. Please #Stumble the following article : 10 reasons to support nuclear power http://su.pr/7dwEiN Thanks in advance !