I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.
However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share more news that are worth your time.
I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.
Sustainable development
- Report Predicts Shortage of Rare Metals Without Better Recycling http://bit.ly/dCW32Y
- Obama (Finally) Starts Talking Clean Energy in Wake of Gulf Spill http://fwd4.me/W0x
- RT @CleanTechies G8/G20 Summits Ignore Climate Change | CleanTechies Blog – CleanTechies.com http://bit.ly/aaZmb0
- RT @CleanTechies Energy Efficiency Service Companies Missed The Memo | CleanTechies Blog – CleanTe.. http://bit.ly/cQKB3g
- via @huffingtonpost: Save, Baby, Save: A Barrel Saved Is a Barrel Not Needed — Ever http://huff.to/9gUbp0
- RT @JaymiHeimbuch TED Talk: Hans Rosling Shows Boosting Living Standards Lowers Population Growth http://bit.ly/9t5oCg
- RT @frankejames Is an end to oil company welfare a winner for Dems this Fall? Fossil fuel companies received $72.5 Billion.. http://huff.to/arudo6 Huffpost
- Bike-Sharing is Coming to London! http://fwd4.me/XpF nice but Paris did it a loong time ago !
- Blimps to Replace Aircraft for Freight Transport (at least) in Near Future, Leading Scientist Says.. http://bit.ly/9URi0B
- China Development Bank Loans Argentina $10 Billion for New Metro and Rail Construction : CleanTech.. http://bit.ly/b9zzZ9
- RT @ddimick #AEF10: @revkin the human mind will not change therefore technology must… quoting jesse ausubel
Climate Change and environmental issues
- RT @algore Sunday Times retracts their claim about the IPCC. Is there any reason to trust climate deniers? http://bit.ly/aFeOgq
- RT @dotearth Hot Weather in a Warming Climate http://nyti.ms/9Jd2Ua
- RT @frankejames How hot is it? So hot that even WashingtonPost mentions climate change (though not what causes it) by @climateprogress http://bit.ly/a7YDPx
- RT @Revkin More on heat waves and warming- http://nyti.ms/aZAKQ2 #climate
- RT @Revkin Aussie fights big dry, climate change with more desalination http://j.mp/NaClh20 Building on early success: http://j.mp/nytDivide #climate
- 27 Tips For Keeping Cool From Planet Green http://fwd4.me/X4C With temps reaching 35°C / 90°F it’s much needed !
- RT @Algore Perhaps now we can put “Climategate behind us and turn to the task of actually doing something about global warming.” http://bit.ly/b3JRaQ
- Weird, yet great idea : Curry spices for cows and sheep could cut methane emissions http://fwd4.me/XpE
- RT @UNEPandYou Plastic accounts for over 80% of all marine litter #unep #plastiki #oceans
- RT @UNEPandYou Marine litter stats: Over 13,000 pieces of plastic litter are floating on every square kilometre of ocean #unep #plastiki
- RT @UNEPandYou last fact for today: Some eight million items of marine litter are thought to enter the world’s oceans and seas every day
- RT @grist The ocean is so trashed, oceanographer Sylvia Earle calls it “The Ultimate Garbage Disposal.” How are u trying to fix? http://bit.ly/9rgD4b
- “A Warming World Will Still See Severe Snowstorms – Columbia University Scien…” – http://bit.ly/bmeqWN via @TreeHugger
- Everything You Need to Know About Global Warming in 5 Minutes – http://bit.ly/9XLchL via @TreeHugger
- half of All China’s Water is Too Polluted to Drink – http://bit.ly/b0Yqkl via @TreeHugger
- RT @Revkin In China, Pollution Worsens Despite New Efforts – http://nyti.ms/97XY49 #climate #green
Energy and cleantech
- ‘Solar Trillions’ Author: Clean Energy Key to Wealth Building | CleanTechies Blog – CleanTechies.com http://bit.ly/bEKAnV
- New Plane Design Could Use 70 Percent Less Fuel | CleanTechies Blog – CleanTechies.com http://bit.ly/9JAQsQ
- DIY Electric Car Breaks World Record Going 624 Miles on One Charge http://fwd4.me/W0y
- RT @Nukemann Solar Thermal or Solar Photovoltaic? Areva Says ‘Both!’ « The Energy Source – Forbes.com http://bit.ly/buXTwn
- Terrific interview of #nuclear pioneer, Ted Rockwell, by Nuclear Townhall, a brand new pro-nuclear publication http://bit.ly/chtgst
- Enr UE : 62% de la nouvelle capacité de production 2009 < Marché énergie – Enerzine.com http://bit.ly/aD7u4x
- $550 Billion in Fossil Fuel Subsidies : CleanTechnica http://bit.ly/bnfOw6
- India’s Coal Tax Would Generate $650 Million Annually for the Clean Energy Fund : CleanTechnica http://bit.ly/a580rO
- Quantum Dots Could Boost Solar Efficiency by 100% : CleanTechnica http://bit.ly/ddX8aM
- RT @CleanTechies Home Energy Efficiency Made Easy | CleanTechies Blog – CleanTechies.com http://bit.ly/cJOtZu
- RT @TheOilDrum * The Chinese Coal Monster: China set to consume 50% of global coal production this year Production and consumpti… http://bit.ly/dlnIeQ *
- RT @greenbizdaily http://bit.ly/GrBiz Thailand Moves Toward Clean and Renewable Energy, an Industrial Info News Alert #green http://goo.gl/fb/8mS4u
- RT @CleanTechies Investment in Renewables Outstrip Fossil Fuels in Europe and U.S. http://bit.ly/ddcbrU #Cleantech
- Lowest Gasoline Taxes Since the Beginning of the Automobile (in the US) : CleanTechnica http://bit.ly/aOV97m
- rt @JaymiHeimbuch How Desalination Works – everything you want to know in one spot http://bit.ly/b5ALIB
- RT @Revkin We’re Gonna Be Sorry – http://nyti.ms/alOsRQ Friedman on our unending fossil fueled party…
- RT @FIFAcom Carles Puyol’s header has booked Spain a place in the Final for the first time in the country’s history http://bit.ly/aT9qVY #worldcup
- RT @TelegraphNews Indian rupee gets own currency symbol – Telegraph http://bit.ly/9bLjaJ
- 100 Beautiful Bokeh Photos http://bit.ly/dCdomT