Will fighting climate change become the ultimate fight ? If the Palestinian Authority and Israel can sit at the same table to fight climate change I guess we can save ourselves from warming temperatures. To the AFP:
” Some 15 Mediterranean countries, including Israel and the Palestinian Authority, agreed Friday to work together to combat the effects of climate change that threaten the region. “
Participants are willing to fight desertification and improve energy and water access. The full article is a wealth of information, so be sure to read it.
I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector. However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month.…
Yesterday I had my first visit and comment from a climate change denier. This means that this blog is becoming bigger. I am also happy as this leads to exchanging ideas. I left a quite lengthy reply but think this deserves to be much bigger. You will find in today's…
The members of the United Nations Environment Program meet this week in the Principality of Monaco and many subjects were discussed about. From the launch of the Climate Neutral Network to the importance of climate change on marine life or the emerging green economy, there were very interesting news. I…