Last year the deforestation of the Brazilian part of the Amazon rainforest was slowing dramatically. It keeps doing so: ” Brazil’s government says deforestation in the Amazon rain forest has dropped to its slowest pace in 22 years.”
” Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira says satellite imagery of the National Institute for Space Research shows that 6,450 square kilometers of the Amazon was deforested between 2009 and 2010, a 14 percent drop from a year earlier.“
” (…) the area deforested is the least since 1988. “ These sure are great news that show that Brazil is committed more than ever it protecting the lungs of the planet. (Source : Huffington Post)
t’ is the season for good news–i don’t want leaks or wikis, i just need a refill on hope–and this will go a long ways to reassure me that mankind can be steered toward humane behavior.
moi, j’ aime l’ amazon, au paravant indestructible.. vive cette nature qui nous regagnera.
Agreed Nadine !
Brazil is really moving forward on curbing deforestation. Hope all the concerned countries will follow their lead.
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