Worth an article – my December 2010 tweets

I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share more news that are worth your time.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

  • Energy :

With US in “trance” mode on energy innovation & EU frigid, I’m reminded of ’08 post, every word of which resonates: http://j.mp/ColdnTrance

RT @triplepundit Is $5 per Gallon Gas Inevitable in 2010? So Says ex-Shell Exec http://su.pr/2KF50R

In #2011 instead of resolving to improve yourself, improve the place you live – http://ow.ly/3u9Mf

Burton: We need an party, not a tea party |

US EPA Could Eliminate 55 Gigawatts of Coal Power With Regulations :

The True Cost of Powering a Light Bulb for a Year (Infographic)

  • Cleantech

Scotland on Track to Meet 80% by 2020 Renewable Energy Goal http://bit.ly/ffAXRw

RT @solarfeeds: The 10 Biggest Renewable Energy Breakthroughs of 2010: http://t.co/EypoXIy Nice !

RT @ Pew Reports on Potential $2.3 Trillion Clean Power Investment by 2020 —

US Would Gain $342 Billion From a National Renewable Energy Policy, Pew Report : Impressive, most impressive 😀

Mexico a Solar Energy Gold Mine:

RT @ Aggressive Clean Energy Policies a Path for Economic Growth, Report Says

Now I know where to go : California, Oregon, and Massachusetts Lead List of Top 10 Clean-Energy States

New Low Energy Water Treatment Purifies, Desalinates and Makes Hydrogen, Too:

Ernst & Young: US Blue States Nearly as Attractive as China for World Renewable Investment!:

  • Electric cars

Blog: London’s New Black Cabs Must Be Electric by 2020, Mayor Says

Here are the green jobs! GM to Hire 1,000 Engineers for electric vehicle R&D

CARe 500: The Electric Fiat 500 Having a Prius Price Tag, Available For Sale in Europe

  • Climate change

EIA Predicts U.S. Emissions to Rise 6% by 2035 in preview report http://bit.ly/gmXc8d @LeadEnergy #energy #climate

The other most viewed ClimateProgress posts of the year – http://bit.ly/e8Ke4u

Fox News boss: It’s not warmer until we say it’s warmer | The Big Picture | Los Angeles Times (Clever headline)

Virtually all climatologists are now convinced that global warming poses a clear and present danger to civilization”

An amazing, though clearly little-known, scientific fact: We get more snow storms in warm years! –

RT @ UK Should Aim For 60% Cut in Emissions, Says Committee

R: @ It’s gonna be 1 heckuva challenge to keep climate change to 2 deg C limit as agreed to at Copenhagen

Australia Must Decide in 2011 How to Place a Price on Carbon, Gillard Says – Bloomberg via @

  • Sustainability

Reduce, reuse, recycle: 19 ways to save the planet

RT @ Climate Change Inaction is the Real War on the World’s Poor

B. O’Neill on population in 2100: 0.5 child/woman fertile shifts can mean difference between 14 and 7.5 billion @ @

  • Misc :

I like. RT @donlafferty: “Write drunk; edit sober.” ~Ernest Hemingway

I like. RT @: “Write drunk; edit sober.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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