To TreeHugger : ” China has now installed more wind power capacity than the United States. Wind installation surged there last year, far outpacing the US, and now China has an estimated base of 40,000 MW of wind power installed. “
But there is much more as to CleanTechnica : ” China Got Over 1/4 of Its Electricity from Clean Energy in 2010 “. This might seem a good news but overall the local electricity consumption is still climbing by 15 percent per year.
Luckily for us all, the People’s Republic is working on reducing greenhouse gases emissions as Cleantechies recently reported.
China, the world’s largest energy consumer, has set a target of cutting its carbon intensity — the amount of carbon dioxide emitted per unit of GDP growth — by 40 to 45 percent of 2005 levels by 2020.
This is a nice move, but it doesn’t mean the country will decrease its overall greenhouse gases emissions, but merely that it is willing to keep increasing their amounts as fast as it is doing now…