Is climate change to blame for more tornadoes ?

To BusinessWeek : ” The tornado outbreak that killed 327 people in the Southeast last week may have been the largest in U.S. history, with an estimated 305 twisters, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said. “

More than 600 tornadoes formed in all of April, compared with the previous record of 267 set in 1974, the agency said in a statement today. That makes April 2011 the most active month ever “

As you can easily imagine, this stirred quite a lot of debates and discussions at TreeHugger, ClimateProgress and on Andrew Revkin’s blog

To my point of view, the jury might still be out, but in any case, let’s cut our emissions… not that we lack reasons to. (decreased air and soil pollution, energy dependence, climate change and extreme weather…)

I got to admit tonite that I am wondering if we will ever make it.

It has been eight years – yes, 8 years – that I have been documenting myself on climate change and renewable energies and little has been made since on these very subjects.

We are consuming more and more coal, oil and natural gas and our emissions are increasing.

What do you think ?

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