I believe it is getting harder and harder for deniers to keep pretending climate change is a hoax (or a conspiracy…). Here are three articles that got my attention last week : First, Arctic Sea ice melt on track to set new record low in 2011.
The second was about the heat wave scorching the US Midwest. To CBS : ” Across the country, this month’s summer’s searing heat has tied or broken high temperature records nearly 900 times. “
But the most potent stuff I wrote on climate change was on the Huffington Post : “It’s hotter than it used to be; It’s not as hot as it’s going to be”. Isn’t it past high time to act ? It’s not as if we lacked options…
“Isn’t it past high time to act ? It’s not as if we lacked options…”
Short terms policies, terrible… but you also mentionned another part of the problem :
“First, Arctic Sea ice melt on track to set new record low in 2011.”
From an environmental point of view, this is a strong warning.
But, from an economic perspective, this is “good” for countries boarding Artic Sea as it opens maritime roads and may help to the exploitation of ressources…
Well I guess that when climate change will at long last go beyond the short term policies it will be waaay to late :/
Yes, climate change is not bad for everyone. Some will keep profiteering from whatever opportunity arises…
Keep up the good work and good luck on your new blog 🙂