I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.
However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share more news that are worth your time.
I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.
Climate change and environmental issues
- The Hindu: Climate change impact significant on insects and plants http://bit.ly/pjSO8g
- As Nelson would say in the Simpsons : ” HAHA !! ” Fox News accidentally acknowledges the facts on global warming: http://t.co/RJ4EffA
- The Republican Presidential Candidates’ Assault on Science (Video) : TreeHugger http://www.treehugger.com/files/2011/08/republican-candidates-assault-science-video.php via @TreeHugger Flat Earthers…
- Studies by @UN and @USArmy show climate change could lead to civil unrest http://ow.ly/6cwSy
- U.S. carbon emissions jumped nearly 4 percent in 2010 http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/08/18/us-usa-emissions-carbon-idUSTRE77H67920110818 Yes FOUR percent in a single year !
- -But some say there is no such thng than climate change RT @TreeHugger: Extreme Weather Cost $35 Billion This Year in US http://t.co/12RIUgR
- US Breaks Heat Records as Republicans End Record-Keeping: http://cleantechnica.com/2011/08/08/us-breaks-heat-records-as-republicans-end-record-keeping/ Bad – or excellent – timing. Depend on which side you are…
- Arctic Ice Thinning 4 Times Faster Than Predicted by IPCC Models, Semi-Stunning M.I.T. Study Finds http://clmpr.gs/qAVhj3
- Reuters : Durban talks unlikely to strike climate deal: UN. http://bit.ly/oxWr0J repetita non placent… :/
- Arctic sea ice area over 25% less than what it should be on August 1; still roughly on course of disaster year 2007; http://t.co/KMrMyFS
Energy and Cleantech
- Guest Post: An Extreme Makeover for Energy Efficiency : Greentech Media http://fb.me/yWxD9bfl
- Solyndra To File for Bankruptcy; 1,100 Lose Jobs http://t.co/ZadqYF4
- Number of electrified vehicles to increase 4,500 percent in six years: http://www.grist.org/list/2011-08-24-number-of-electrified-vehicles-to-increase-4500-percent-in-six-y
- Some perspective on #solar. U.S. Exported $5.6 Billion in Solar Goods Last Year http://t.co/ApXIKgm
- U.S. Geologists Sharply Cut Estimate Of Shale Gas – NYTimes.com 1/5 of the estimate ! one fifth !!! – http://t.co/a66dIeo
- New Jersey Governor Vetoes Fracking Ban – Wants One Year Moratorium Instead http://www.treehugger.com/files/2011/08/new-jersey-governor-vetoes-fracking-ban.php Tsss…
- Considering Methane as a Renewable Fuel http://t.co/CswqKry
- The $200 Billion Energy Question: The U.S. stands at an energy crossroads. With or without new dir… http://t.co/qiPBHJF
- Can Old Coal Plants Be Replaced With Energy Efficiency? http://soc.li/SbV3jXQ Good question !
- Nuclear Power Still The Energy of The Future After Fukushima http://t.co/vdifXDr
- US consumes 216 barrels of crude oil per *second*. That’s a river of oil 5 ft deep and 35 ft wide, continuously flowing at 5 mph !
- World consumes 1,000 barrels of crude oil per second. That’s a river of 20 metre wide and 3 metre deep, flowing at 10 km/h!
- How Wind Helps Coal Plants: The sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow, but guess what? Coa… http://t.co/TDY83rM
- Energy Use in NYC Schools is Down 11% Since 2008. Thanks to Post-It Notes. http://www.treehugger.com/files/2011/08/energy-use-nyc-down-11-percent-post-its.php $350k saved per year !
- Blog: Top Ten Highlights of Cleantech in the European Union http://bit.ly/ql3j7B #energy #green #cleantech
- RT @nytimesgreen: Countdown to a Nuclear Renaissance? http://bit.ly/r6Nsbm
Sustainable development
- World Resources Institute and Fortune 500 Companies Launch Sustainable Business Partnership : TreeHugger http://www.treehugger.com/files/2011/07/world-resources-institute-fortune-500-launch-sustainable-business-partnership.php
- A new report, “Stop Trashing the Climate” found more recycling, waste prevention & composting in the US coul… (cont) http://t.co/oWYm1AB
- Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans. -Jacques Cousteau
- In the US, the ratio of defense spending to #renewables spending is 41:1. In China, the ratio is 3:1. http://t.co/OpxrwS2
- A Triple Bottom Line Approach to Local Food Production http://bit.ly/nqcsTQ
- 766 CEOs Discuss Sustainability: Accenture’s Sector-by-Sector Report – http://ht.ly/63PYt
- FOUR crises for the price of one ? (Middle East, European Union, China and America) Sounds legit. What do you… http://t.co/GQBbL4n
- Probability of a double-dip recession above 80% according to modeling by BofA http://t.co/6INAAKp
- RT @Visually: Will Water Be The Oil Of The 21st Century? #Infographic http://j.mp/pqcumA
- My first picture of thunder : http://bit.ly/o59GJT Yes, it’s blurry, yes it’s not really great but I am proud nonetheless ^^ #photography
- Kids Sing Portal “Still Alive” This is just brilliant ! http://t.co/7KGlF4N
- Meet Buck http://bit.ly/hHpYes Great animated short !
- Discover the future at the 2011 World Science Fiction Convention: http://t.co/Ljt4rHS