Kuwait sets ambitious renewable energy goals

To Business Week : ” Sun-drenched Kuwait, a desert nation with no solar-power plants and electricity demand that’s growing about 8 percent a year, has set the most ambitious target for using renewable energy in the Gulf region.”

The country plans to have ten percent of renewables in its electricity mix by 2020. This exceeds by three points the goals of Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates. This is a huge goal as the local energy demand doubled in ten years.

Fully understanding that they won’t be able to rely on oil indefinitely, many Middle East countries are diversifying their economies and energy supplies.

2 thoughts on “Kuwait sets ambitious renewable energy goals”

  1. Indeed Jason.

    But it will be tough given the near exponential growth of their electricity consumption. But I believe it is money well invested !

    Looking forward to reading you again here !

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