Wortth an article – my December 2011 tweets

I know, I am way late on this one. But here is my selection of most important tweets for December 2011. There are so many great articles there you have enough to read for the next weeks.

This is why I keep on using  Twitter. I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Hopefully I won’t be late for the selection of tweets next month. Nota : the layout is broken. Nonetheless, the tweets are readable. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Climate change and environmental issues

MT @ConservationOrg Climate change threatens: chocolate, peanut butter, bacon, oysters, wine, beer, bourbon, & coffee http://ow.ly/7WDPu
Record-breaking smog in Beijing goes from ‘hazardous’ to something closer to ‘get-the-hell-out-of-town apocalyptic’. http://bit.ly/udss1T

Scientific American: The Coming Mega Drought. http://bit.ly/snqbkz

2011 sets all-time record for tornadoes: nearly 200 in one day http://bit.ly/vYsqvt
Maine Breaks 34 Weather Records This Year; US Breaks 3,000 http://bit.ly/sTkuX6
Enjoy yr festive treats while U cn, chocolate could become expensive luxury due 2 climate change according 2 new study http://tgr.ph/v3E3Vo
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction for Dummies: Or, Laziness Will Kill Us All http://fb.me/HJh559va
Climate Story of the Year: Warming-Driven Drought and Extreme Weather Emerge as Key Threat to Global Food Security http://bit.ly/u9v743
As many as 200 million people in India’s urban centers could face serious threats from extreme weather http://ow.ly/83QSR
What Rising Temperatures May Mean for World’s #Wine Industry http://awe.sm/5c67F via @YaleE360 / NOOOOOO!
Scientists fear permafrost thaw could compound global warming http://bit.ly/tQkyzd

UN says Canada still has legal obligation to cut emissions, despite withdrawing from Kyoto Protocol http://ht.ly/7Zk96

Energy and cleantech

MT @ConservationOrg Climate change threatens: chocolate, peanut butter, bacon, oysters, wine, beer, bourbon, & coffee http://ow.ly/7WDPu
In Durban, Stern report author Lord Nicholas says rich nations need to stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industry http://ow.ly/7ST8E
Time to weatherize your home or apartment! http://bit.ly/voBDRq
Show preview: Electrifying South Africa – can developing countries provide electricity without emissions increases? http://ht.ly/829Oc
Despite unfavorable assumptions, wind to become EU’s largest power source: 32-49% of electricity in EC’s Roadmap 2050: http://bit.ly/EWEA50
Fmr IEA analyst: world oil supply (incl. unconventional) to decline from 2015, first tensions earlier: http://bit.ly/IEA015 (via @nelderini)
Yesterday was the anniversary of #nuclear power’s creation. Watch this @ENERGY video for an inside look http://lnkd.in/k9C7u4
Home Weatherizing Tips for Renters and Owners – http://Earth911.com http://fb.me/1C1JlY5aY

Analysts predict global price of oil will remain above $100 per barrel through 2012 http://ht.ly/8dYbg

Berlin is reviewing applications for federal export guarantees for four nuclear projects. Environmentalists are furious http://spon.de/adxuZ

Love your #smartphone but hate how quick the battery dies? Try 9 energy saving tips by @JerryJamesStone http://awe.sm/5cYeS

My inaugural speech in English http://bit.ly/tAqpda A #sustainable #energy supply for #everyone. Our #cars as electric cash cows and more

Smaller nuclear reactors recommended as good option for U.S. http://bit.ly/u3T3HJ #nuclear #energy


Five ways businesses can learn from #COP17 outcome to prepare for future sustainability issues. http://ht.ly/7X2Rk
What if the #UN Human Development Index was adjusted for #sustainability? Ace article from @9brandon for @wired http://tinyurl.com/7c2cq8t
For businesses, sustainability adds value: @algore explains why in @WSJ http://ow.ly/7ZgAS
Is there anything that a mass shift to bicycles transportation wouldn’t solve? [Infographic] http://bit.ly/vi620o
Should 2012 be the start of a decade of sustainable capitalism? http://bit.ly/w3Q4hP
Sustainability is Not Just an Environmental Issue, It’s an Economic & Social One: Sustainability is just not an … http://bit.ly/uKUS04

Blog: Four Sustainability Trends to Watch in 2012 http://bit.ly/uiJNPn #energy #green #building #susty

Is hyperconsumerism on the way out? http://bit.ly/tCZnaj


Cheery Monday morning read – not~. Depression, dis(european)union and more via @NYTimeskrugman http://nyti.ms/uuX7yC

@wordpress WordPress continues to set the bar higher for great content management systems

10 Extraordinary Photographs of the Starry Night Sky http://j.mp/w3TPOq /really makes you appreciate a lack of light pollution. #photos

Andy Revkin Interviews Franke James On Dot Earth: Canada’s Approach To Inconvenient Art http://www.desmogblog.com/andy-revkin-interviews-franke-james-dot-earth-canada-s-approach-inconvenient-art Great @FrankeJames vid too!

Daily chart: The Economist has sorted through the economic mess of this year and selected nine charts that sum up 2011 : http://econ.st/u0694u

Dave Brubeck improvising in Moscow. Suddenly, a man starts playing the violin. http://j.mp/rS9YAC #music #awesome

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