Corporate Social Responsibility gains momentum

Here are some good news on business and economics. To Earth & Industry, as appearing in Cleantechies : ” In 1999, fewer than 500 companies issued sustainability reports. That number is now over 3,500.

” Once only a concern for a few niche companies with sustainability as a core value and brand differentiator, corporate sustainability has moved categorically into the mainstream.

The MIT Sloan management review is going further, to them, sustainability is nearing a tipping point in terms of importance.

Here are some extract of their article :

For the third consecutive year, MIT Sloan Management Review and the Boston Consulting Group have conducted a survey of managers and executives from companies around the world, asking how they are developing and implementing sustainable business practices.

(…) More than 4,000 managers from 113 countries responded to our survey this year; we focused on the nearly 3,000 executives from the commercial sector for this report. According to those respondents, 70% of companies have placed sustainability permanently on their management agendas; many companies have placed it on their agendas in the past six years.

Please make sure to read the full article as it brings countless details.

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