I know, I am way late on this one. But here is my selection of most important tweets for February. There are so many great articles there you have enough to read for the next weeks.
I still believe Twitter offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me. However, I am wondering if I should propose you a selection of my tweets each month.
It indeed takes A LOT of time. Please tell me if you want to keep it or I shall stop publishing those selections…
Arctic Sea Ice Decline Linked To Colder, Snowier Northern Winters http://bit.ly/zYDPTI
U.S. greenhouse #gas #emissions rebound 3.3% http://goo.gl/lcj70
Could melting sea ice could mean colder winters in the US http://ow.ly/9kX85 and UK http://ow.ly/9kXbu?
The Climate Change Movement Needs a Reboot http://bit.ly/xGFweg
Most popular post today – Infographic: The idea of a climate change hoax makes no $)%*@ sense http://bit.ly/z7uiVW
Civilisation faces ‘perfect storm of ecological and social problems’http://gu.com/p/35tga/tw via @guardian
Old king coal: Asian growth will remain fuelled by #coal, which is worrying for the planet via @TheEconomist http://econ.st/xJn5TT#energy
South Africa proposes national carbon tax to start operation in 2013 http://ht.ly/9lflw (via @cleantechnica)
New York City could see devastating floods every three to 20 years http://bit.ly/znaGg6
How You Can Help Michael Mann, Author of the Must-Read Book, The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars http://bit.ly/xo6Zoe
Nine More Dirty, Aging Coal Plants Set to Close, Bringing Total U.S. Retirements to 106 Plants Since http://t.co/vVV2h6k5
European Parliament leads the way with #energy #efficiency vote http://goo.gl/r4Hd2
With a battery this efficient, cars like the Nissan Leaf and the Chevy Volt could be as popular as iPads: http://bit.ly/zhBEKc #EV
Global solar power capacity increased 54% in 2011, now at 28 gigawatts worldwide http://ht.ly/92fMj (via @cleantechnica)
IEA : If fewer #nuclear reactors are built and lifespan of existing plants is shortened, demand for fossil fuels would rise http://bit.ly/wQTISX
5 Ideas That Could Jumpstart Renewable Energy http://www.solarfeeds.com/5-ideas-to-jumpstart-renewable-energy/
Top Five Oil Companies Made $1 Trillion in Profits from 2001 Through 2011. http://bit.ly/yi2oaZ
Blog: Nearly Half of Electricity at UK Businesses Wasted During Off Hours http://bit.ly/zD06W6 #energy #green #environment
In 2035 the net-zero building market will be worth $1.3 trillion. Who wants a #green home of their own? http://su.pr/2lhRzJ
Mashup of biology + electronics: researchers say progress made in making low-cost solar cell from plants http://cnet.co/Aa008t via@CNET
98% of the pulp used to make toilet paper comes from virgin forests:http://bit.ly/xETcDS
Going Green in a Down Economy http://su.pr/2LBXSY
OECD : Interested in green growth? http://bit.ly/xRgs0A OECD mtg docs on eco-innovation & business models, ex: transport, housing, IT
We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.~ Thomas Fuller
If we do not permit the earth to produce beauty and joy, it will in the end not produce food, either. Joseph Wood Krutch
Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.- Bo Jackson
Misc. / Fun
XKCD wants to play Good Cop, Dadaist Cop : http://xkcd.com/1018/ Now this IS funny