If a weirder climate, rising sea levels and so on and so forth weren’t enough to motivate us to combat climate change, here is another reason to do so. As Al Gore notes on his blog :
“Watery eyes, runny noses and puffy faces will abound this year as a warm winter, human development and climate change converge to create a brutal allergy season that will likely get worse for years to come, according to experts.”
“(…) More people are becoming susceptible to allergies over time as pollen seasons are getting longer.” (via E&E News : Climate change is expanding allergy risks )
Yesterday I had my first visit and comment from a climate change denier. This means that this blog is becoming bigger. I am also happy as this leads to exchanging ideas. I left a quite lengthy reply but think this deserves to be much bigger. You will find in today's…
As you sure know, the Durban Climate talks ended Sunday. There are some good news, but they are mostly bad. Good news first : The Kyoto Protocol has been extended until 2017. Another good news : the Durban agreement was the first ever to bind all countries to act on…
In it's latest report - published yesterday - the IPCC The IPCC is urging everyone to implement on a massive scale all the solutions we already have in every single sector; Our common future depends upon this.