Worth an article – my October 2012 tweets

http://www.elrst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/twitter-earthrise-128x128.jpgI have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector.

However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are worth reading. This is why I use Twitter to share dozens of news that are worth your time.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate and environment

What would it mean to treat climate change like a security threat? http://bit.ly/T5IARr

U.S Carbon Emissions @ 20 Year Low http://bit.ly/R5l5mV

Wind power to grow from 0.5 to 7.2 GW! RT @robinenergy: Egypt planning 20% electricity from renewables by 2020 http://m.engineeringnews.co.za/article/egypt-turns-to-renewable-energy-to-meet-spiralling-electricity-demand-2012-10-19 …

Meanwhile: drought apparently cut economic growth from 2.4 to 2.0%. Why don’t folks who like money pay attention? http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/how-midwest-drought-damaged-us-economic-growth-as-well-as-farmland-crops/2012/10/26/a9da22b2-1fb2-11e2-8817-41b9a7aaabc7_story.html …

Plant new trees, but keep the old http://bit.ly/WGuh6P

Remember when @algore warned that climate change would flood the World Trade Center? He was right. Tonight: http://yfrog.com/nw27819790j  #sandy

MT @brookejarvis: By 2100 climate change cld cause “100-year floods” in NYC every 3 yrs, journal Nature warned last yr http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/v2/n6/abs/nclimate1389.html …

Climate Change Sandy Says to US, ‘Take That, Idiots!’ http://huff.to/QOrpjm 

On RTCC live blog: Estimates of Earth’s ability to soak up our excess CO2 have been slashed #RTCCLive

As the Oceans Turn Acidic, Scientists Report a Strange Finding: Hope http://j.mp/R4U9Dy

Organized Crime Is Responsible For Up To 90 Percent Of Tropical Deforestation, U.N. Report Indic… http://huff.to/V7HbKe  via @HuffPostGreen

Bye-Bye Thermal Shield: Total Summer Arctic Ice Loss Is Likely Before 2026, likely 2 double the pace of global warming http://huff.to/SAdLhT

Climate change will make fish 24% smaller than they are now. http://bit.ly/Sy2xtI

Red flag: The Great Barrier Reef has lost more than half its coral cover in the last 3 decades http://ow.ly/e9WNT

UK: Over 50 businesses call Government to commit to meeting 2030 climate change and energy targets http://bit.ly/Q90O0d

Energy and cleantech

Study: 40% renewables means: #baseload can go. And: little #storage needed http://reneweconomy.com.au/2012/40-renewables-wouldnt-need-much-coal-storage-study-25418 … #EnergyTransition #Energiewende

The UK could save £11bn and shed 40% of it’s energy demand through an energy efficiency feed in tariff http://www.businessgreen.com/bg/news/2217233/energy-efficiency-subsidy-could-cut-uk-demand-40-per-cent … @GreenAllianceUK

“Oil poisons everything… including our democracy” Love the picture, love the slogan http://fb.me/zXO2DTaq

Solar + Wind = 4.72% of U.S. Electricity http://ow.ly/2sVZsV

@Solazyme! #1 on @bdigest Top 50 Hottest Companies in Bioenergy http://goo.gl/uGYhI  thanks for all the support! Honor to be on this list

Must read by @MLiebreich: water may top the case for #renewables http://bit.ly/Sx6IpI  #BNEF

Solar: The Solution To The US Housing Crisis? – Solar Feeds http://www.solarfeeds.com/solar-the-solution-to-the-us-housing-crisis/ … via @@solarfeeds

Whoa: This incredible & efficient smart fridge doesn’t need doors http://bit.ly/T9mkWv

Clean energy investment falls to 2009 levels http://bit.ly/Pdc7ax

Mitt Romney’s $90 billion mistake on green investment http://bit.ly/O8MuXd

Global clean energy investment set to fall for first time in eight years – 3Q12 20% down on 3Q11 http://www.businessgreen.com/bg/news/2215760/global-clean-energy-investment-set-to-fall-for-first-time-in-eight-years …

Study: 40% renewables means: #baseload can go. And: little #storage needed http://reneweconomy.com.au/2012/40-renewables-wouldnt-need-much-coal-storage-study-25418 …

Twice as Many Coal Plants Will Be Closed by 2016 Than We Originally Thought http://ow.ly/eleSk 

Finland may be the first European country to phase out the use of coal in energy production. http://bit.ly/V7gxBm


Bill Clinton’s Message: ‘Saving The Planet Is Better Economics Than Burning It Up’ http://bit.ly/VbYRpq

Sustainability focused firms outperform the market. “@Bennuworld: Data Shows #Sustainability Pays via @greenconduct http://bit.ly/Pq8iKU 

When #women are empowered, prospects are improved for current & future generations: http://on.undp.org/e4YLY 

1/3 UK’s economic growth in 2011/12 came from #green business http://www.cbi.org.uk/infographics/how-the-uk-can-make-the-most-of-green-growth/ …

Rachel Carson: The more we focus on wonders & realities o funiverse the less taste we shall have for destruction http://dotearth.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/09/27/how-rachel-carson-spurred-chemical-controls-by-highlighting-uncertainty/?comments#permid=51 …

Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals offer solutions to global warming: Narendra Modi http://bit.ly/SAeZd4

Italians Buy More Bikes Than Cars for First Time Since Second World War http://goo.gl/2rJJd


How to make energy journalism better http://bit.ly/R4vtL1

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