Worth an article – my December 2012 tweets

twitter earthriseOops, I did it again ! I totally forgot to publish the selection of my best tweets of November. Luckily for you all, I just did, so please don’t hesitate to go and read this article.

In today’s post you will find the informations on climate or environmental issues, sustainability and the world energy sector that I found relevant in December and tweeted.

I believe it offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate change and environment

The world is producing 2.4 million pounds of CO2 a second http://bit.ly/TyprmK

This is really great. What’s stopping climate action is neoliberalism, nothing else: http://bit.ly/RzS1su  #cop18 via @matmcdermott

Water on course to be scarcer than oil by 2030 http://www.2degreesnetwork.com/

MT @UNEP: Warming #permafrost could emit 43 to 135 Gt of #carbon dioxide equivalent by 2100 & 246 to 415 Gt by 2200. http://bit.ly/QrGVnS

If you haven’t read Steffen’s new book, Carbon Zero, yet, find it on Grist! http://grist.org/carbon-zero/

Two eight year olds walked into our WWF office & handed over a jar of $310 in change. “This is for the tigers,” they said. Heart melt. @WWF

@guardianeco: How Many Gigatons of Carbon Dioxide? The Information is Beautiful guide to Doha http://gu.com/p/3ccxx/tf @oovrebo @waagenilsen

Archbishop of Johannesburg: “Please stop using ‘climate change’. Media should only use ‘climate crisis’.” #cop18 v @RTCC_john

over $150 billion : the cost of climate change induced disasters to the US economy in one single year. time to act ! http://fb.me/24Kx2nRKQ

Agreed KP text #cop18 almost says that #EU needs to change it’s 2020 20% target to 25%-40% range by 2014 http://unfccc.int (para 7)

Global warming, hands down, is the biggest long-term threat to the economy we face.” http://huff.to/11RE1Mw

Since 1990, the world’s primary forest area has decreased by 300 million hectares, an area larger than Argentina. http://livinggreenmag.com

Wondering what came of #cop18? @nytimes summarizes http://nyti.ms/WQiEGg  & @grist provides the sarcasm http://ow.ly/fYTKz 

How bad are the tar sands? This bad: http://bit.ly/TMp5sX  No one should have this in any back yards. #noKXL

Uber-cautious report finds sea level rise could hit 6 inches a DECADE by 2100 & warming hit 10F over most habited land! http://bit.ly/Y9eu1z

Important read about the growing risk of sea level rise to the world’s megacities and infrastructure: http://ow.ly/gaUKU  #climate #cities

The last time we had a normal month of temperatures Nelson Mandela was in jail. It’s been 27 years: http://bit.ly/U72kTf

I like that Sen. Schatz called #climate an issue for “our generation.” Time to stop pretending it’s your kids’ problem. http://ow.ly/1Qz6m0

Doha wasn’t a landmark #climate change summit but it achieved a number of useful outcomes. Our views #COP18 http://ow.ly/g9yPH 

Climate Central: It’s Not Too Late to Limit Global Temperatures – But Almost http://www.climatecentral.org/

Energy and cleantech

The World Bank provides 56% of its financing to fossil fuel projects, including major coal projects (like Medupi in SA) http://www.aljazeera.com/

In psychology it’s called schyzophrenia… RT @grist: World Bank: We hate climate change. Now who wants more coal? http://bit.ly/SNBTjM

To save climate, no other policy tool comes close to a carbon tax http://bit.ly/SLoJ70

China’s Clean Energy Output Increases 48% http://bit.ly/UCn3ii

Denmark’s solar PV capacity rockets from 17.5 to 223 MW in 10 months, because now cheaper than utility electricity: http://goo.gl/LvNi3

Farmers in Nepal double their crops through the magic of pee http://bit.ly/T58y51

Wind, hydro and PV is now half of China’s yearly added power capacity. The sharp rise in RE threatens fossil producers…http://lnkd.in/jqeFkZ

Turning Massive Cargo Ships Into Sailboats Could Save 25 Million Tons of Fuel http://dlvr.it/2hRNMr

Energy Efficiency Saves New England $260 Million in Transmission Costs http://bit.ly/TDXgrS

Biggest coal co says it’s a “global leader in clean energy solutions.”@dotearth http://nyti.ms/RWvA13 ” George Orwell would love this

The Year In Solar Power: Prices Crash, Sales Soar, Industry Restructures, Saudis Leap In, CSP Suffers http://bit.ly/VP7UGB

Sustainability and CSR

happy is the new money. interesting video about the happy planet index: http://www.guardian.co.uk/sustainable-business/video/interview-nic-marks-economics-sustainability-video …

If humanity is to survive, businesses need to start getting in touch with nature http://www.2degreesnetwork.com/

Here’s something I wrote late last night. “Missing women might explain failure of UN climate change talks” http://underthebanyan.wordpress.com/

Two thirds of companies see sustainability as a competitive necessity in 2day´s marketplace new study shows http://sloanreview.mit.edu/

Free #csr analysis: How to embed sustainability into core business strategy and management systems http://ow.ly/gbIvJ

Why Sustainable Business Are Coming on Strong in 2013 http://bit.ly/YkV45d

‘Breakthrough capitalism’ is the way to achieve sustainability http://bit.ly/YjHOxG  #sustainability #csr

State of the Profession: The Latest Trends in Sustainability Executive Salary, Hiring, and Priorities http://bit.ly/VbY2Z7  #green

Unless we reduce waste RT @RichardMcLellan: “By 2030, world will need 50% more food, 45% more energy, 30% more water” : http://planetaryboundariesinitiative.org/?p=153


“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.” ? Corrie Ten Boom

We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less b/c of that missing drop – Mother Teresa

Epic quote from fav author RT @KcNightfire: “You ask me what forces me to speak? a strange thing; my conscience.” – Victor Hugo

@guardianscience: #Nasa marks 50 years of #space #photography – in #pictures http://gu.com/p/3cnv7/tf 

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, & many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. -Twain

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”.- Winston Churchill


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