Worth an article : My February 2014 tweets

http://www.elrst.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/twitter-earthrise-128x128.jpgHere we go again : my selection of article-worthy tweets is here. Albeit I slightly increased my amount of articles published per week, I still haven’t enough time to write about all noteworthy news. Lucky for you all, Twitter is here.

In today’s article you will find – just as every month – a selection of the most interesting articles on climate, energy and sustainability related issues I have tweeted last month.

I believe this selection of news offers a good complement to this website. So if you are on Twitter and like this selection, please don’t hesitate to start following me.

Climate change and environmental issues

@UNEP illegal logging = 1 of the top 5 criminal networks. http://bit.ly/1bOkvIU 

The Great Barrier Reef could have 3 million cubic meters of dredging waste dumped on it http://thkpr.gs/1knRhAL 

Palau to ban commercial fishing and become a marine sanctuary “roughly the size of France” : TreeHugger http://www.treehugger.com

Better version of that extraordinary image, taken on Feb 16th: soil pouring out of our rivers. There goes Britain. pic.twitter.com/QrOA7NLLOK

Oz heatwave frequency ‘surpasses levels previously predicted for 2030’ http://www.theguardian.com/ “coming earlier, lasting longer and hotter”

Stopping Deforestation Makes Business Sense, Says Unilever CEO http://www.scientificamerican.com/

Coastal flooding ‘may cost $100,000 bn a year by 2100’ http://www.climatenewsnetwork.net/

2013 marked the thirty-seventh consecutive year of above-average temperature http://www.treehugger.com/

Narco-deforestation: Drug traffickers are slashing and burning the forests of Central America http://www.treehugger.com

Can China’s great, green wall stop its creeping deserts? | Toronto Star http://ow.ly/thA5S 

Whole Arctic region (above 80N) is 12°C warmer than normal now, well into average temperatures for April! http://goo.gl/UIgmWc 


Energy and cleantech

44.5 GW of new solar capacity will be added globally in 2014 http://about.bnef.com/

Mexico Building Latin America’s Largest Solar Farm To Replace Old, Dirty Oil-Power Plant http://thkpr.gs/1kbGOrK 

Can the world feed China? : TreeHugger http://www.treehugger.com

New research: Wind turbines remain efficient much longer than expected : TreeHugger http://www.treehugger.com/

Bhutan to cut fossil fuel imports 70%, embrace electric cars : TreeHugger http://www.treehugger.com/

Wow, ExxonMobil CEO Sues To Block Fracking-Related Project Near His Home http://cleantechnica.com #NIMBY #Fracking

100 MW Of New Solar Projects Connected To The Grid In Chile http://cleantechnica.com/

#India Announces 2 GW Worth Of New Large-Scale #Solar Projects http://cleantechnica.com/

L’Europe adopte la réduction des rejets de CO2 des véhicules (2020) http://www.enerzine.com

Europe to lose #renewables grip to Asia and Africa http://fw.to/CFIz9cl 

The Vatican is the first ever solar nation-state after spending $660 million to power all 40k households http://bit.ly/1chbUtm 

Japan’s Fukushima reactor: the disaster that won’t stop http://j.mp/1daOBSb  pic.twitter.com/MrguIrmtYm

“Green consumers” aren’t hippies; they’re educated, well-off & shop trusted #brands, says Suzanne Shelton @sheltongrp http://ow.ly/tTuY9 

Rooftop Solar Meets 20% Of South Australian Demand (With Graphs) http://cleantechnica.com/

Indian Government Aims For 26 Million Solar Water Pumps http://cleantechnica.com

Lockheed Martin Cranks Up World’s Largest Wave Energy Project http://cleantechnica.com

Existing wind turbines to get <5% boost in output : TreeHugger http://www.treehugger.com

Twenty-five years ago, fossil fuels accounted for 82% of the global energy mix. It still accounts for 82% today http://bit.ly/1kBV14r 

4 top sustainability reporting trends for 2014 http://bit.ly/1dRfPkF  #green

China becomes world’s biggest spender on energy efficiency, outpaces US for the first time: http://ow.ly/tMRfi 

Extreme weather could derail growth in China, India + Bangladesh > http://www.rtcc.org

Thousands of schools in India turn to clean, renewable electricity to combat nationwide energy-supply problems: http://ow.ly/tMRnJ 


Why Build/Refurbish Expensive #Nuclear When $2 TRILLION of Cheap #Energy #Efficiency Available?? http://bit.ly/1dp5Frg 

Implementing a partial phase-out of fossil fuel consumption subsidies would account for a 12% reduction in #emissions http://bit.ly/Nxpjbh 

India building a solar power plant the size of Manhattan–it will be the biggest in the world: http://ow.ly/tAgSQ  pic.twitter.com/c93kO9z8MM

RT @networks4nature: The entire IPCC report in 19 illustrated #haiku – an interesting challenge! Via @murphster42 http://bit.ly/1cOd7ef 

Zona norte de #CostaRica generará su propia elect con energía limpia: Oportunidad de ahorro a largo plazo @nacion http://goo.gl/osFEPF 

U.S. scientists achieve ‘turning point’ in fusion energy quest http://reut.rs/1guHQx6 

Indian Solar Auction For 750 MW Receives 2,170 MW Of Applications http://cleantechnica.com

Rooftop Solar Supplies 10% Of Power Demand In 3 Key Australian States http://cleantechnica.com

Europe could drop out of key economic race with China, USA and India unless it backs low carbon growth, says report: http://www.rtcc.org

IMF chief Lagarde warns of “merciless” #climate change http://shar.es/QGfrp  Carbon price, cutting fossil fuel subsidies action priorities

Bloomberg: Cities emit 70% of world’s carbon, >3/4 of world’s energy use. #Climate action will have global impact http://ow.ly/tjt89 

Australia’s GHG emissions from electricity sector are down about 7.6% since the carbon tax was introduced mid-2012 http://buzz.mw/b5wak_f 

5,7M jobs in #renewable energy sector worldwide. IRENA report on how to keep on creating clean enegy jobs http://www.irena.org

Ambition from Europe : European Consortium Aiming For 100,000 MW Ocean Energy By 2050 http://cleantechnica.com/

Bright future for LED : LED Market Expected To Grow Over 12-fold To $25 Billion In 2023 http://cleantechnica.com

Leading US cities pledge radical carbon pollution cuts > http://www.rtcc.org



U.S. Lets 141 Trillion Calories Of Food Go To Waste Each Year http://j.mp/1gFwA0v  via @NPR #foodwaste

Tea industry claims it will undertake heroic efforts to become more sustainable http://bit.ly/1dJKgt2 

HSBC says coal asset value could be 1/2 that of today in Australia in the next 24 months: http://www.rtcc.org

Wondering how to reduce your #water impact? FACT: Cutting 1 lb of beef could do more than not showering for 6 months. http://www.onegreenplanet.org/

World population grows at 80 million/year now. It was already 75 mln/year around 1970, and peaked above 90 in the 80s http://www.geohive.com/

Norway’s $800bn ‘oil fund’ halves coal holdings #divestment http://tinyurl.com/otvvhw8  @EndFossilFuel @350 @TrillionFund

Jeffrey Sachs Offers Free Sustainable Development Course http://cleantechnica.com

Goldman Sachs Enthusiastically Decides To Invest $40 Billion In Renewables by 2021 http://cleantechnica.com/

And almost every other economist MT @ChristopherNFox: “We need to put a price on carbon…” -Bill Nordhaus http://www.npr.org

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