Could we reforest the Sahara desert ?

Reforesting the desertsIs this the key to afforestation projects in arid or desert areas ? As hundreds of billion of trees have to be planted over the next decades to avert climate change, the question is of tremendous importance.

As Cleantechnica reports, the Gulf state of Qatar is experimenting an interesting project – the Sahara Forest Project – that would use deserts, saltwater and CO2 to produce food, water and clean energy.

As the official site notes, their pilot project – a greenhouse producing food – is a success and could literally change the world. Science Magazine has more details for you to read.

4 thoughts on “Could we reforest the Sahara desert ?”

  1. a few projects have proven successful in the past; while a local representative of UNESCO’ poets and artists in France in ’85, i was asked by the reforestation planners in Burkina Faso to assemble a team to go to plant thousands of trees to replace those which had perished in the desertification of that arid African country.
    sadly, France forbade all travel through Burkinabe airports due to aviation problems/accidents/insecurity..the very day i was purchasing tickets..

    so, some effort in desert management is ongoing in remote parts of the globe, i see that major investment is crucial and beneficial to the entire that the color of hope?

  2. Thanks Nadine for your comment, it is always a pleasure to read you 🙂

    I didn’t know you were so involved in these issues, let alone for so long.

    I do believe there are reasons to hope. That article is one of them. There will be more, so stay tuned 🙂

  3. All od the desert areas in the world could be reforested with enough dedication. —But NOT only with trees.

    Think plants that will take over quickly, and create micro-climates, such as Kudzu, Savanna grasses, etc. Yes, they may be “nuisance plants” but will grow sod, and produce copious organic matter –and best of all, a protective microclimate that will produce oxygen, hold moisture, and act as a growing area for other plants.

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