Bangladesh now has over three million solar houses

I reported in June 2011 that Bangladesh, one of the world’s poorest countries, had over a million solar roofs. A few years later and these figures have tripled as the country now has 3.1 million residential solar energy systems.

As Cleantechnica reported in November :

To be exact, the recorded number was 3.1 million new systems — with more than 15 million people now benefiting from these new systems, according to coverage from the Bangladeshi newspaper The Daily Star.

The systems were installed as part of the country’s Infrastructure Development Company Ltd (Idcol) program for off-grid areas. The total capacity of the new systems is somewhere around 135 MW.

The new systems will help the country towards the achievement of its 2021 energy target — which denotes doubling electricity generation up to 24 GW, 10% of which is set to come via renewable energy.

The state-owned Idcol reportedly has a goal of financing six million residential solar systems by 2017.

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