Climate change

Climate change and extreme weather are linked

I have previously written that the link between extreme weather events and climate change wasn’t clear. It isn’t the case anymore as the latest research from the IPCC proves. As Cleantechies notes : ” A new report says that an increase in heat waves is “virtually certain” as a result of global warming and that …

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New climate talks round starting today in Durban

The 17th Conference of the Parties (COP17) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which is starting today in Durban, South Africa is THE event to follow during the next two weeks. According to Dr. Rajendra Pachauri ” Global climate talks need to focus on the growing threat from extreme weather and …

New climate talks round starting today in Durban Read More »

Global emissions need to peak before 2015-2020

As TreeHugger reports : ” emissions must peak by 2020 and be reduced “well below” 1990 levels by 2050, if we are to have a “likely” (greater than 66%) chance of keeping temperature rise below 2°C by 2100. “ ” If emissions peak at 2030, we may be able to hold temperature rise to 3°C. …

Global emissions need to peak before 2015-2020 Read More »

Global weirding and warming at my doorstep

I wanted to write about how I am witnessing the weirding and warming climate myself. So far, France has seen an incredibly dry spring with dramatic droughts to the point of endangering many cultures. Then, summer came, with rain, a lot of it. It was one of the rainiest summers I had seen. You would …

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Global emissions soared by SIX percent in 2010

To the AFP : ” Harmful carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels made their biggest ever annual jump in 2010, according to the US Department of Energy’s latest world data released this week. “ Global greenhouse gases emissions rose by SIX percent compared to 2009. This represents no less than 564 million more tons of …

Global emissions soared by SIX percent in 2010 Read More »

Many large cities at risk due to rising sea levels

To new research carried out and recently released by Maplecroft, many booming megalopolis around the world are at extreme risk because of rising sea levels and other consequences of climate change. Manila, Jakarta and Kolkata (formerly known as Calcutta) would be threatened the most. Others cities, including Mumbai (Bombay), Delhi, Chennai, Karachi, Lagos and Guangdong, …

Many large cities at risk due to rising sea levels Read More »

Ongoing floods in Thailand to cost billion

It seems global weirding is indeed taking place. While there are huge droughts in Texas, Thailand and its capital city, Bangkok are witnessing their largest floods in decades. As the Guardian reports : ” Thailand is used to floods in monsoon season, but this year’s are the worst for more than half a century. They …

Ongoing floods in Thailand to cost billion Read More »

IPCC underplayed the impacts of climate change

This is what arises as the Arctic is melting much faster than the IPCC predicted in its report in 2007. ( I had blogged much about their findings during my first year of blogging here) As Climate Progress notes : ” Far from being “alarmist,” predictions from climate scientists in many cases are proving to …

IPCC underplayed the impacts of climate change Read More »

A real must-see and must-share video on climate

While reading Climate Progress I came across a must-see speech from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, from Rhode Island. As the description on Youtube notes : ” There are some laws that Congress can change. The laws of nature aren’t among them. While lobbyists continue to call for more and more “second” opinions, Sheldon points out to …

A real must-see and must-share video on climate Read More »

Why continuing the Kyoto Protocol is crucial

To TreeHugger : ” If (the) Kyoto Protocol dies at COP17 climate talks, so does our climate “. This article reminds us that the next round of UNFCC climate talks will start in less than two months in Durban, South Africa. It also reminds us that it is the only law we have on a …

Why continuing the Kyoto Protocol is crucial Read More »

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