Climate change

Temperatures could rise by 7°C by 2100

According to a new study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) climate change may reach 7°C by the end of this century. This doubles the previous estimates by the IPCC. As climate models become more and more complex and contain more and more data, the results are increasingly worrying. I hope this study will […]

Temperatures could rise by 7°C by 2100 Read More »

Mixed feelings about the new US mileage

Yesterday were announced by President Obama the new mileage requirements for US vehicles. This is important as they hadn’t changed for decades. The average mileage will reach 35.5 MPG by 2016 compared to roughly 25 nowadays. This seems to be a lot but it isn’t when one knows that European cars will be required to

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Climate change is the biggest health threat

According to a new report published by the University College London and The Lancet medical journal climate change is the biggest health threat of our century. As an author of the report said to the Daily Mail: ‘The big message of this report is that climate change is a health issue affecting billions of people,

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Japan lends $120 million for Peruvian forests

Japan is lending $120 million (88 million euros) to Peru to enable the country to protect 55 million hectares of forests (nearly the equivalent area of France). This is done to stop the deforestation in the country by the next ten years. To Ecoworldy, this initiative will store 20 million tons of carbon dioxide per

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China increasing climate change mitigation efforts

It seems I was quite right when asking if cleantech is the new arms race as countries are increasing their renewable energies schemes. China announced yesterday that it is tripling its wind energy 2020 target. This is the perfect occasion to have a look at how the country is progressing on climate change mitigation. Things

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Will climate change affect everyone but you ?

A  US study shows that the vast majority of people believe they won’t be harmed by climate change. However, it will affect each and everyone of us in the middle or long term as temperatures rise. Similarly, many people still believe someone else – the Chinese, the Americans, the companies, the neighbor with his huge

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Greenhouse gases recognized as pollutants

This made the headlines last Friday as the US Environmental Protection Agency declared that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane are now considered as pollutants in the country. This represent a dramatic paradigm shift for the second most emitting greenhouses gases country. It also brings a lot of hope concerning a massive and fast

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Both poles are melting faster and faster

As bad news came from Antarctica I thought it would be interesting to check out how the poles are warming. I wrote in December that Antarctica keeps on melting and it seems this phenomenon is aggravating. As the BBC noted “Scientists say the collapse could mean the Wilkins Ice Shelf is on the brink of

Both poles are melting faster and faster Read More »

Cooling back the Earth: possible ? Reasonable ?

With climate change increasing at an accelerated rate, scientists around the world are looking at all kind of solutions. This includes working on our Earth’s climate itself. Geoengineering is a solution. But is it realistic ? Even possible ? Since these solution have been much talked about recently, this article will present you the main

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Can we cut by 40% our GHG emissions by 2020 ?

When the IPCC published its various reports in 2007 it concluded that to avoid dramatic climate changes, cutting by as far as 40 percent greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions could be necessary. This contrast heavily with the targets the United States and the European Union set as they are closer to 20 than to 40 percent.

Can we cut by 40% our GHG emissions by 2020 ? Read More »