Climate change

The targets of the Kyoto Protocol

According to several sources, out of the 39 countries under the Kyoto Protocol, only 16 are meeting their targets while 20 aren’t due to do so as only three years remain. The United Nations issued an interesting presentation with a table (left) that sums up very well the situation at hand. Now everyone can see […]

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Time for Europe to lead on climate change

On December 11th, the leaders of the European Union will meet to decide its climate change policy for the next twelve years. This is a most important occasion to call for leadership. Since they plan to cut our greenhouse gases emissions by only 20 percent when at least 30 percent is needed, we the people

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Albeit economic crisis, the US care about climate change

As the United States vote today to elect their next President – for a minimum of two hours on the East coast – a poll shows that Americans care more and more climate change mitigation. Brought to my attention by TreeHugger, this poll carried out by the Climate Group is encouraging as it notes that

Albeit economic crisis, the US care about climate change Read More »

News on greenhouse gases emissions in China

For the past days I collected four articles on Chinese greenhouse gases emissions. It begun with a single tweet on October 23 reporting that they could double by 2030 if nothing was done. Then, the WWF issued a report on the external cost of coal burning in China which is estimated to $250 billion (200

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Climate change is occurring faster than forecast

The WWF published this week a study on how climate change is accelerating. The new evidence show that the alarmist predictions of the IPCC underestimated the threat. As greenhouse gases emissions keep on increasing, strong leadership on mitigation is needed more than ever. The EU could do that but decreased recently its ambitions. Today’s post

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Europe is warming faster than other regions

According to a study from the European Environment Agency, the World Health Organization and the European Commission the EU is warming faster than other regions. This report also provides further data on rising sea levels and temperatures forecasts which are higher than the one given last year by the specialists of the IPCC. This reports

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10 billion tonnes of carbon

This is the amount we literally dumped in our atmosphere last year alone and this keeps on increasing according to new research carried out by the Global Carbon Project. It’s no surprise as I evoked it earlier, but this new study provides further data and details according to countries (or continents) but also of activities

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Arctic ice keeps on melting more and more…

You perhaps read it before somewhere else as I am pretty late on this, but Arctic sea ice melt to a worrying extent this summer and almost beat last year’s record. But according to the people from the WWF, the extent may not be as small as last year, but in terms of thickness –

Arctic ice keeps on melting more and more… Read More »