Climate change

UNEP calls G8 Hokkaido meeting a “missed opportunity”

The last three days, the eight richest nations in the world met in Hokkaido, Japan to discuss about Africa and climate change and the least we can say is that it was a failure… The Director of the United Nations Environment Program indeed believes that the G8 meeting is a seriously bad omen for the […]

UNEP calls G8 Hokkaido meeting a “missed opportunity” Read More »

Seven years left to reverse the CO2 emissions trend

Carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases emissions have been increasing continuously since the beginning of the industrial revolution at the end of the 18th century. According to the IPCC experts who met the EU environment ministries today, this trend have to be reversed and emissions have to start decreasing within the next seven years. To these

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India announces its first climate change mitigation plan

The government of the world’s largest democracy announced this week it’s first plan ever to mitigate climate change and to move toward a more sustainable development. This is great news. However, there are no real targets in any specific subject such as renewable energies – with a specific mention of solar – water, agriculture and

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World CO2 emissions rose by 3.1 percent last year

Global carbon dioxide rose by 3.1 percent in 2007 compared to 2006 levels. This is mostly due to Chinese emissions as the country accounts for two third of the increase. Meanwhile, the world’s most populous nation becomes the largest contributor to climate change as China emitted 14 percent more greenhouse gases than the United States.

World CO2 emissions rose by 3.1 percent last year Read More »

G8 countries to cut oil consumption

Yesterday, the eight leading economies met in Japan, alongside with China, India and South Korea. One of the main topics of discussion was the soaring prices of oil and energy. To counter this, they pledged to invest massively in energy efficiency and low carbon technologies such as renewable energies, nuclear and carbon capture and storage

G8 countries to cut oil consumption Read More »

Today is World Environment Day

June fifth is important as it is the World Environment Day (WED) and my sister’s birthday (Joyeux anniversaire !). But since you don’t care that much about one event let’s talk about the other… The WED is one of the main opportunities for the United Nations Environment Programme to promote environmentally friendly behaviors and climate

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Germany, a climate change mitigation example ?

Germany is often quoted as the definite example in climate change mitigation. However, as with all black and white fallacies, it is not really the case and the situation is not that simple. Indeed, even if our neighboring country gets far more energy from renewables than we are, it relies much too heavily on coal,

Germany, a climate change mitigation example ? Read More »

Climate change will have dramatic impacts in the USA

According to an official US federal report, climate change will seriously alter the country, and this in many ways such as water and crops growth. This study represents the shift of policy on climate change of the current administration and will probably motivate the next one on tackling climate change. Indeed, the threat seems to

Climate change will have dramatic impacts in the USA Read More »

Highest concentration of CO2 over 800,000 years

According to a study released in the US magazine Nature, the carbon dioxide and methane concentrations are currently at their highest in the last 800,000 years. This is the conclusion drawn by European scientists after drilling the ice of Antarctica over 3 kilometers. According to Le Figaro it is the result of more than 20

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Nicholas Stern’s new report on climate change mitigation

Lord Nicholas Stern released last month a new report on climate change mitigation : Key Elements of a Global Deal on Climate Change (pdf). It focuses on the increasing risks of inaction and stresses that the commitments of both developed and developing countries are vital. To the AFP quoting Lord Stern, he underestimated the threat

Nicholas Stern’s new report on climate change mitigation Read More »