Climate change

Climate change may slow down during ten next years

This is the conclusion of studies done by German climate scientists. This would be due to the slowing activity of the Gulf Stream (pictured left) in both Atlantic and Pacific oceans. This might be a very good news for all us that shouldn’t be seen as a proof that climate change is a scam or […]

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To the WWF, climate change hitting Arctic faster, harder

I seldom watch the news on TV, so I was surprised to see a small news on environment exactly as I switched it on. That one was on global warming, and was quoting the WWF. According to this renowned environmental organization : “Climate change is having a greater and faster impact on the Arctic than

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Al Gore’s new presentation : fantastic !

It seems that the former vice president of the United States and Nobel Peace Prize Al Gore (pictured left) is more and more in the news. This is due to me to make major topics of the environment protection and climate change mitigation in the elections which will happen later this year in the USA.

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Disintegration of an Antartic ice shelf

According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center and the British Antarctic Survey, a large chunk of the Antarctica disintegrated due to climate change. This is yet another proof that Earth’s climate is warming more and more as prior to this event, this region was considered as somehow preserved by global warming. The beginning

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The Carbon Atlas : see your country’s carbon emissions

The UK newspaper The Guardian published last December a fantastic map displaying all countries and their respective carbon emissions. Very visual, it enables us to see easily who are the largest carbon emitters and even the thumbnail on your left shows the huge importance the USA and China have. According to this rating, France is

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ESA provides map of regional CO2 emissions

The European Space Agency observed for the first time in the history of sciences the emissions of carbon dioxide at a regional scale. This enable us to see from where these greenhouse gas emissions come from and thus to act locally to decrease them. As the map above shows, the most emitting regions are located

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EU pushes countries to tackle climate change

According to the International Herald Tribune, the European Union is willing to involve the most polluting countries in the mitigation of climate change. To do this, it might implement commercial sanctions to non signatory countries of international agreements. Among these countries are the United States and China. This might be a serious drive for these

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OECD urging to act on climate change

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development – the body regrouping some of the richest nations – is now urging its members to act fast on climate change. Solutions to this challenge exist and Mankind just needs to apply them. Moreover, they are affordable compared to the cost inaction would have on a global scale.

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