Climate change

Controlled Auto Ignition : the future of car engines

By reading this month’s issue of the French magazine Science & Vie, I came across a valuable article on a technology called Controlled Auto Ignition, or CAI. This enables oil engines to cut the consumption of regular vehicles by 15 percent, which would bring them to the levels of Diesel engines, without their hindrances. Engineers […]

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Shanghaï to work on climate change mitigation

According to the WWF, Shanghaï (and another Chinese city, Boading) joins the Low Carbon City Initiative, a pioneering project from the renown organization. This will enable the cities to decrease their CO2 emissions by working on energy efficiency of buildings as well as the environmental quality. This is great news and I can’t wait for

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EU’s climate change scheme is a disappointment

The European Union presented last week its climate change mitigation and energy plan, and I am somehow disappointed by it. The final plan states a measure to decrease by a mere 20 percent greenhouse gases emissions by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. This is in total contradiction with what was mentioned in Bail (minimum of

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Norway to become climate neutral by 2050

We stay in the arctic region as today’s article is on Norway which expressed its willingness to become totally climate neutral by 2050. Being climate neutral means that one country – or one person – does not emit any greenhouse gases or when it does, offset its emissions. In this article I will have a

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The melting of permafrost, a serious danger ?

Under the term permafrost, scientists refer to frozen soil that is mostly found in cold countries like Canada and Russia (cf. map from the UNEP on the left) Climate change might unfreeze these soils, which might be a serious danger as they contain very large quantities of methane, a very potent greenhouse gas. I previously

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How I easily avoided 76 kg of CO2 emissions

Albeit the fact I consider myself as an ecologist and took various actions to decrease my greenhouse gases emissions, I never really did any calculations of my impact. But the New year’s day brought me an opportunity to have a look at my CO2 emissions as I went to Nancy by train and I avoided

How I easily avoided 76 kg of CO2 emissions Read More »

Arctic is melting faster than forecast

This is perhaps the most serious and most worrying news of the beginning of the year as Canada reported last year the most important ice melting ever witnessed. According to the WWF, summer sea ice in the arctic could disappear within six years, much faster than previously thought about. Temperatures at the poles rise much

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EU can meet and go beyond its Kyoto targets

According to the European Environment Agency, the fifteen first members of the EU “can meet, and may even over-shoot, (their) 2012 Kyoto target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 8 % below 1990 levels”. This is an excellent news as according to the report, the cut of emissions could reach 11.4 percent. The EU wants

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Climate change: a huge threat for developing countries

Just days before the Bali talks that will prepare the future of the Kyoto Protocol, the United Nations released a report on the human toll climate change would have. According to it, a full scale global warming would have dramatic consequences for hundreds of million people and the most struck would be located in developing

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More and more tests of Carbon Capture and Storage

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one of the main solutions to decrease the greenhouse gases emissions of coal-fired plants. However there is no commercial application yet, but several programs are on their way in North America, Europe or China. The oil-producing countries from the OPEC also plan to work on this technology as it

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