
Will molybdenite be better than graphene ?

As CleanTechnica recently noted : ” A serious challenger has emerged to take on graphene’s title as the miracle material of the 21st century, and that is a common, silvery looking mineral called molybdenite. (…) The lead researcher asserts that compared to conventional silicon transistors, a molybdenite transistor would use about 100,000 times less energy […]

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Battery breakthroughs for electric vehicles

Many are working on extending the range of electric cars. Here are three of them. Firstly TreeHugger believes that replacing the  graphite electrodes in lithium-ion batteries with silicon nanotube electrodes,would multiply the range by ten. ArsTechnica notes that carbon nanotubes in ultracapacitors ” may make sense in electric cars, even if it can’t store as

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A new MIT technology to produce hydrogen

I never have been a fan of hydrogen-based energy solutions. Indeed, using energy to produce hydrogen that will produce electricity seems a tad too complex. This may change with Professor Daniel Nocera from the renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) who found a fantastic solution to produce Hydrogen in a much more efficient way. This

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Aerogel, the future of insulating materials

By reading Ecogeek I get to know aerogel, a material that insulates 37 times more than fiberglass. The latter is largely used to insulate houses nowadays. Aerogel is the lightest solid known, extremely resistant, great for soundproofing, and yes, still very expensive : 1,300 USD (approx 800 €) per pound. But a team of researchers

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