A cultural break – May 2007
The book I will talk about this month was in my shopping list for some time and tackles astronomy in a very interesting way. I was mesmerized by the photos proposed.
The book I will talk about this month was in my shopping list for some time and tackles astronomy in a very interesting way. I was mesmerized by the photos proposed.
Pr. Socolow and Pacala, in their stabilization wedges theory and their website ( the Climate Mitigation Initiative ) invite people to pick up their own wedges to create their own solution. I chose mine and explain my choices.
As I wrote on this post, I will give today the details on the 15 wedges as well as some general comments on the Stabilization Wedges Theory.
Pour mon premier article en Français pour ce blog, je vais parler d’un sujet qui me tient à coeur depuis la rédaction de mon mémoire de Master. L’isolation des logements est ainsi selon moi une priorité dans la lutte contre le changement climatique. Nous verrons ici pourquoi.
I came across a very interesting website today via an article from Les Echos. This page is about peak oil, the point where half of oil reserves will be used up and according to this source, it should occur around 2015, ie. in less than ten years. David Strahan, the author of The last oil …
One of the most interesting theories on climate change mitigation I came across was written by Robert Socolow and Stephen Pacala, professors at Princeton. This theory gives 15 ways to decrease our carbon dioxide emissions.
The IPCC paper shows the existence of numerous solutions to mitigate and even stop climate change. Here are some of them that can, and have to, be putted in place before 2030.
As I wrote here on Friday, below is a short version of the Summary of Policymakers of the third Working Group of AR4. Those pages concern the mitigation of climate change. We will see it is still time to act and hope remains.
Just a quick note to state that the new version of elrst.com, the one you are reading just now, is four month old. I take the opportunity here to thank you readers for your interest in my humble blog.
I have been reading for the past four months a great space opera book by Vernor Vinge, A deepness in the sky. It indeed took me some time to finish it, but it is one of the best, if not the very best Sci-Fi book I ever read so far. As I just finished it, …