Waste management in France

This week in France takes place a series of events that are due to reduce the amount of waste produced. This is important as we are now producing nearly a kilogram per habitant per day. All this makes for the total population the equivalent of 2.800 Eiffel Tower. (or 28 million kilograms of waste each …

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Comment réduire facilement ses factures de chauffage

Les températures hivernales arrivent petit à petit dans nos contrées et avec elles les premières gelées matinales. Au même moment, les prix du pétrole ne cessent de grimper vers les 100 dollars [En] ce qui pour nombre de ménages signifie des notes de fioul ou de gaz qui s’alourdissent. C’est donc le moment idéal de …

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A model of energy efficiency : Japan

I bookmarked a long time ago an article from the International Herald Tribune which is tackling Japan and its impressive energy efficiency policies. As we are more and more talking about energy conservation (the IEA recently urged to work fast on this), this country is an example many could follow. Indeed, according to the International …

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Green roofs and walls, a brilliant idea

Some ideas are very promising to help us in mitigating climate change and among them are green roofs and walls. Planting grass or trees like in Manhattan (cf. picture) on top of buildings have many advantages as it decreases the air pollution, the local temperature of cities and greenhouse gases emissions and so on. In …

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UNEP issue strong warning on environment

The United Nations Environment Program released last week its fourth Global Environment Outlook and issued “(its) final wake-up call to the international community” to tackle environmental issues. Among those threats are climate change, but also overfishing, air and water pollution and so on. This was written 20 years after the first version, known as the …

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The Grenelle, a French green revolution

Yesterday in Paris took place what will perhaps be remembered as the green event of the decade in France. The President Nicolas Sarkozy detailed in a 30-minute speech a very ambitious plan that concluded weeks of discussions on environmental causes within what is called here Le Grenelle de l’Environnement. From transportation and housing to electricity …

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UNESCO : 30 World Heritage sites endangered

I came across a worrying news while browsing the RSS feeds of the French daily le Figaro. 30 sites among the 851 that are part of the World Heritage are considered endangered by the UNESCO. Tourism, wars and natural phenomenons (climate change, earthquakes…) are among the causes. This news was brought up as the UNESCO …

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An escalation by 35 percent

One of the main events of the week is a study stating that greenhouse gases emissions are increasing 35 percent faster than forecast since 2000. The causes for such an important increase have both economic and climatic origins and each reason account for nearly half of the phenomenon. Indeed, human-made emissions increased in an important …

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Putting an end to deforestation in Brazil by 2015

This is the ambitious goal that was set at the beginning of the month by the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF), eight other NGOs and the government of Brazil. This would to be reached by various sustainable development schemes that will include the local people, companies and government. This is high time for such …

Putting an end to deforestation in Brazil by 2015 Read More »

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