Cutting the energy consumption of collective housing

Last night Arte, a Franco-German TV network, broadcast a documentary on two buildings in Karlsruhe, Germany, which comprise 64 apartments for low income people. The goal of this show was to demonstrate that energy efficiency and renewable energies can be implemented quite easily to collective housings. A very important thing was that the costs couldn’t …

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UN versus US views on climate change mitigation

Last week, the United States announced that they are willing to mitigate global warming by setting voluntary goals. Meanwhile many countries – including the European Union – met within the United Nations to tackle the future of the Kyoto Protocol. So is it good or bad news ? As we will see in this article, …

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La C-Cactus, un prototype hybride chez Citroën

Le secteur des transports est une des principales sources d’émission de dioxyde de carbone, il est donc important de trouver des solutions dans ce domaine. Alors quand Citroën présente lors du salon de l’automobile de Francfort un prototype qui émet moins de 80 g de CO2 par km, la nouvelle ne peut qu’être saluée. La …

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Northern Cygnus

This month’s astronomy article is on yesterday’s APOD (Astronomy Picture Of the Day) by the NASA. It features one of the most famous constellations, Cygnus. The star on the top of the image is Deneb, the brightest of this area and one of the three that constitutes the Summer Triangle. The full image is as …

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Launch of the Global Climate Change Alliance

The European Union will give a minimum of 50 million € (and up to 300 million) between 2008 and 2010 to developing countries. This will be done in order to enable these countries to cope with climate change related events and to reduce both local poverty and greenhouse gases emissions. Actions will notably include the …

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The thirty most polluted places in the world

The Blacksmith Institute, an environmental NGO from the United States, released this month a report on the 30 most polluted places on Earth. Of the top ten, two are located in China, two in India, two in Russia and another two in the former Soviet bloc. Among the locations is Chernobyl in Ukraine. As we …

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Sources d’énergie et émissions de gaz à effet de serre

Comme je l’annonçais précédemment, je voulais faire depuis le début de ce blog un article sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre selon les différentes sources d’énergie. Afin d’être le plus impartial que possible, j’ai décidé d’utiliser trois différentes sources d’information. (MAJ le 18/09/07) Alors, quelle est la solution qui émet le plus …

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Climat, 10 raisons d’espérer

C’est le titre du dossier de Terra Economica ce mois-ci. M’étant enfin abonné à la version papier de ce fantastique magazine j’ai pu lire l’intégralité de cet article. 10 raisons d’espérer ? Oui car la prise de conscience prend lieu et la situation bouge dans le bon sens dans de nombreux domaines. Terra Economica le …

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