A cultural break – June 2007

After a week of late, I propose you the cultural break of June. This month I will handle a very good film based on a Japanese anime, Cowboy Bebop. As the eponymous animated series, Cowboy Bebop the movie tells the tale of bounty hunters in 2071. This time, the four heroes are looking for a …

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Climate change reaching dangerous point

Another study on global warming was released recently. It concludes by saying that we got less than ten years to start decreasing the global greenhouse gases emissions. This one was done by NASA and the Earth Institute of the University of Columbia. According to the web page related to the article : “(…) research finds …

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Air pollution kills thousands every year in China

I came across a very disturbing fact via an article in the Financial Times. According to the World Bank, air and water pollution in Chinese large cities kill nearly 750.000 people every year. The government of the People’s Republic of China asked that a third of the report was erased in order to avoid “public …

Air pollution kills thousands every year in China Read More »

Commentaire du livre Le plein s’il vous plait

Comme je l’avais promis à certains de mes amis, voici le commentaire du livre qui selon moi doit être lu par toute personne qui s’intéresse au changement climatique et/ou à la future crise pétrolière. Cet ouvrage, intitulé “Le plein s’il vous plaît” fut écrit par Jean-Marc Jancovici et Alain Grandjean et fut publié en février …

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A poll on environmental concerns (final part)

As I previously tackled the polls on various English speaking countries, I would like to tackle today my home country and give a more global approach of this very interesting polls.

German federal governement to insulate buildings

Germany is willing to tackle the millions local buildings that are lacking insulation. This will lead to savings of nearly half of the energy consumed by this sector by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels). The goal of the Federal Government is to insulate every year five percent of total housings and buildings. This would concern …

German federal governement to insulate buildings Read More »

EU greenhouse gases emissions decreased in 2005

According to the European Environment Agency, the European greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions globally decreased in 2005. Since 1990, the emissions decreased by 7.9 percent in the EU-27. This is indeed good news. However, in the EU-15 (the fifteen first countries to have join the European Union : Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, …

EU greenhouse gases emissions decreased in 2005 Read More »

Mesures urgentes à prendre au niveau énergie (fin)

Pour terminer mon grand dossier sur les mesures qui doivent être prises au niveau climatique et énergétique je vais m’atteler aujourd’hui aux transports et au nucléaire.

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