Second volume of IPCC report to be published on friday

The climate change reports by the IPCC experts are made of three parts. After the release of the first part of the fourth report that was published in January, the second one is due for Friday. This section will be handling the “impacts, adaptation and vulnerability” due to climate change.

Climate change, a huge threat to developing countries

For the first article of April, and for the three months of existence of this blog, I will handle a very serious subject. The International Herald Tribune published on its website an article on the threat that climate change may become for developing countries. The conclusions are indeed food for thought.

A cultural break – March 2007

During my previous cultural break I was writing about a European “bandes dessinées”. This month, I would like to write on my favorite comics series, Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson. As I bought last week The Complete Calvin and Hobbes, I would like to drop a few lines to show you how GREAT this …

A cultural break – March 2007 Read More »

Happy birthday EU !

A very short note just to state that the European Union is fifty today. Indeed, 50 years ago, on March 25th 1957, the Treaty of Rome established the European Economic Community (or EEC), the ancestor of the EU as we know it today.

A “planetary emergency”

These are the terms used yesterday to describe climate change by Al Gore in front of the US Congress. Mr. Gore is a former vice-president of the USA and is an environmentalist with huge conviction. He released last year “An inconvenient truth“, a film that contributes to mass awareness of the threat represented by climate …

A “planetary emergency” Read More »

Water ressources, uses and prices in France

Well, it has been a while I wanted to talk on water, scarcity and related topics. Water is a resource that we simply can’t live without. However, we use it more and more and not always in a good way. This article is due to give the main facts and figures for France.

Working on a new layout, part 1

On a less personal note that the other post, I am currently working on a new design for this website. So if you come and visit this page and it has a different look, have no fear, only the layout is changing.

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