
Could Australia axe its carbon tax ?

For the past weeks I have collected quite an impressive amount of articles on Australia, as its recent elections have brought to power a Conservative Prime Minister, Tony Abbott. A climate denier backed by fossil fuels interests, Mr Abbott is willing to axe the country’s carbon tax. As the Guardian reported, this would cost the […]

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Worth an article : My October 2013 tweets

It is that time of the month again : here is my selection of the most interesting and note-worthy news of September in the climate, energy and sustainability spheres. Each of them could have been the subject of an article. Given this selection I believe it is safe to say we are reaching tipping points

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Late June – early July selection of news

During my two weeks away in Southern France I didn’t read much news except the ones I had on the Facebook pages of I love climate scientists and This allowed me to find some quite interesting stuff. Each article below could have been the topic of a full post here, but given the fact

Late June – early July selection of news Read More »

Renewables are surging much faster than thought

A close observer of renewable energy markets I am amazed at how fast they are growing around the world. Many countries are banking on them to get out of the current triple crisis. Even if the efforts being done are lacking the necessary scale, results are very encouraging. Portugal is getting 70 percent of its

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Renewables cheaper than coal in Australia

Last week I was reporting that in New Mexico, solar is now cheaper than coal, something that analysts forecast would occur only in three or five years. I was wondering if this was an isolated event or the harbinger of a closer paradigm shift. Well, it seems that it is NOT an isolated event as

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14 carbon bombs to defuse before 2020

Greenpeace has released an interesting report on fourteen projects that could increase greenhouse gases emissions by 20 percent by 2020. This would lead to an increase of temperatures by five or six degrees Celcius. The largest threats are China and Australia as they plan to increase their coal productions. This is particularly ironic as Climate

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Australia is getting hotter, Beijing more irrespirable

Last week two events caught my attention in the Asia Pacific region as they show that our climate is warming and our air is deteriorating. Both events look unrelated at first but aren’t as fossil fuels are in both cases the culprit. The first one was the horrendous fires and temperatures witnessed in Australia. The

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Global actions against coal

As renewable energies such as wind power and solar are becoming more and more competitive and as climate gets weirder and warmer, opposition to coal grows fiercer and more global. Think Progress has a compelling article on how plans to build coal fired plants are thwarted by local grassroots movements which do not want air,

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Australia creates world’s largest marine reserve

I haven’t brought many good news lately. Likewise, I have blogged little on conservation issues. So please let me present you some good news on conservation, straight from Australia. To the WWF : ” WWF welcomed the new system of marine parks that would now cover more than one third of the Commonwealth waters of

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Worth an article – My April 2012 tweets

I have been committed since January 2007 to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector. However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. But many more news are

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