
6.5 million people ( and I )

This is the amount of people that are currently working in the renewable energy industries according to a recent report from the IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency ) Bioenergy ( everything from liquid biofuels to modern biomass and biogas ) have the largest contingency with 2.5 million people (with 1.4 million, 0.8 million and 0.3

6.5 million people ( and I ) Read More »

Brazilian deforestation increasing

Here are some bad news I read last week : deforestation in Brazil is increasing again. For the past years, it had been decreasing steadily, reaching its lowest levels in two decades. But over the last year, deforestation increased by 28 percent over the previous one. As the BBC noted : ” The government is

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Carbon Emissions in Brazil Dropped 39% from 2005 to 2010

We have seen time and again that Brazil is working hard at stopping or at least decreasing deforesation of its marvelous Amazon rain forest. It seems all these efforts are paying of. To Cleantechies : ” Greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil fell by nearly 39 percent from 2005 to 2010, largely because of reductions in

Carbon Emissions in Brazil Dropped 39% from 2005 to 2010 Read More »

Deforestation in Brazil bumps up

Even if there have been many good news on the environmental fronts in the past few months, there are still some bad ones. While deforestation of the Amazon rainforest had been drastically reduced since 2004, it seems it increased last year. As Treehugger reports : “According to the Brazilian forest monitoring agency which uses satellite

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Brazilian wind energy is really cheap

So cheap that it is disrupting the Brazilian energy market as Cleantechnica reported : ” Wind farms have won 55% of contracts awarded by Brazil’s national energy agency (…) and wind power now costs about 4.5 cents/kWh in the country. “ This is really really cheap as generally wholesale prices in Europe are three to

Brazilian wind energy is really cheap Read More »

New low levels for Amazon deforestation

Among all the doom and gloom climate change news nowadays – arctic record low levels,no commitment at COP18 in Doha, permafrost melting… – I chose to write today about some good news. We have seen that the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has been steadily decreasing for the past few years. Well, it seems it

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Annual investements in cleantech reach a trillion

If you believe that cleantech is just a fad, you should read this : ” Private investors are putting almost $1 trillion annually into green businesses and technologies, bringing the total invested worldwide since 2007 to $3.6 trillion ” ‘ (…) Ethical Markets expects the $1 trillion annual pace of investments to continue into 2020. Germany,

Annual investements in cleantech reach a trillion Read More »

Rio20+ is another missed opportunity

The conference that took place in Rio de Janeiro last week was due to bring a new start to sustainable development. The original event which took place at the place twenty years ago and was a fiasco. Indeed out of the 90 goals outlined at the time, only FOUR have shown improvements. And despite we

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Brazilian forestry code changes get vetoed

As deforestation in the Brazilian part of the Amazon rainforest was hitting its lowest levels in over two decades, some special interests had introduced to the local Congress some law to change that. Luckily, environmental organizations has been campaigning to avoid those catastrophic changes. Celebrities joined in too… Even more fortunately, the Brazilian President –

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