
Brazil to invest $5.5 billion in renewables by 2013

According to CleanTechies : ” The Brazilian government earlier this month held a wind, hydroelectric and biomass auction that is expected to prompt US$ 5.52 billion in investments in renewable energies in Brazil. “ ” (…) Brazil currently holds 65 percent of the installed potential for wind power generation in Latin America. The country currently […]

Brazil to invest $5.5 billion in renewables by 2013 Read More »

How deforestation in Brazil keeps slowing down

I wrote about it before : deforestation in the Brazilian part of the Amazon rainforest – aka the lungs of Earth – decreased by no less than 46 percent and is at record low levels in the past two decades. These are surely good news as deforestation is a predominant part in Brazilian greenhouse gases

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Who’s winning the clean energy race ?

The PEW environment group published a fantastic study on the cleantech investment in the G20 in 2009. The largest economies, both developped and developping are very different in this economic sector. China overtook the United States in cleantech investments with more than $34 billion while the latter dedicated less than $19 billion. The European Union

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Biofuels aren’t a sustainable solution

At first I wasn’t sure even if I had huge doubts. But now this is a certainty as I came accross three articles on how biofuels production in the United States, Brazil and Europe is a threat to our societies and our environment. In Brazil, biofuels production are a danger to the Amazon rainforest as farmers

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Brazil and Indonesia committed to slow down deforestation

The year is beginning with many good news. After the huge wind energy plan in the UK, another good sign that climate change mitigation slowly but surely surfaces as a key preoccupation at a global scale. Indeed the Brazilian goverment signed a National Policy on Climate Change bill which is due to help the country

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Developing nations to cut emissions

India, the most populated nation and largest democracy announced it would cut its greenhouse gases emissions by 20 to 25 percent by 2020 or 2030. As you can see, the targets are very wide. This happens as China decided to cuts the carbon intensity of its growth by 40 to 45 percent by 2020. CleanTechies

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Brazil to cut greenhouse gases emissions by 36%

Since the country announced earlier this year that its deforestation decreased by 46 percent and as its population is taking global warming seriously the government unveiled very ambitious goals for 2020. Indeed, to Reuters and several other sources the country is willing to cut its emissions by a massive 36 percent minimum and even offered

Brazil to cut greenhouse gases emissions by 36% Read More »

Deforestation in Brazil decreases by 46 percent

To the pictures taken by satellites the annual rate of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest have dropped by no less than 46 percent this year. If these figures were confirmed by ground data this would prove significant. These figures are the lowest since record keeping begun 21 years ago and can be explained by the

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Local populations don’t profit from deforestation

Science Magazine published an interesting article on how deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest provides only a temporary increase of living conditions to local populations. To the article: (…) on the basis of an assessment of 286 municipalities in different stages of deforestation, we found a boom-and-bust pattern in levels of human development across the

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The deforestation of the Amazon in pictures

Images are worth thousands of words. So when I found on VeoVerde a series of photographs from the NASA depicting the deforestation of the Amazonian rain forest I thought I should share them with you. The picture on the left (0.4 Mo ; 465*3000 px) is a collage of  nine photographs and shows the horrifying

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