Towards sustainability, reloaded : electricity

For the second part of this series – the first one was on heating – we are having a look at electricity consumption of households and the various ways we can decrease it. This will enable you to have lower energy bills – always a good thing with the hard times we have – to […]

Towards sustainability, reloaded : electricity Read More »

China & the USA to ban incandescent light bulbs

Incandescent light bulbs are a relic of the past, a vastly inefficient past. Modern alternatives like CFLs and LEDs consume five to ten times less energy. For these reasons, the European Union or Australia have already phased them out. More countries will be doing the same, namingly the United States and China. The latter will

China & the USA to ban incandescent light bulbs Read More »

Think CFLs are great ? Read on…

CFLs consume up to five time less energy than traditional incandescent and halogen bulbs. This convinced several countries including the European Union and India to increasingly use them. Now LEDs are slowly reaching the markets. Consuming up to half the energy of CFLs they come in all shapes and colors. Even if they are still

Think CFLs are great ? Read on… Read More »

India goes deeper into climate change mitigation

To my regret, I don’t write much on how India is willing to mitigate climate change as I lack information. But today’s the occasion to repair this as I came across two different articles on how the world’s largest democracy is working on this issue. The country will indeed replace by 2012 400 millions of

India goes deeper into climate change mitigation Read More »