
It is now official : France dives into offshore wind

Do you remember my post for Cleantechies on offshore wind in France ? It is now official : ” This week French officials are announcing a plan to install six hundred wind turbines capable of producing 3,000 megawatts of energy. “ The wind turbines will be located in five main sites between Saint-Nazaire and Dieppe/Le […]

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Report on the French Grenelle after three years

For my latest article on CleanTechies I decided to go back to writing on my home country, France, and this for a good reason. It had been three months I hadn’t done so. Here is the introduction : ” The French Round Table on sustainability known as the Grenelle de l’Environnement is now three years

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France cuts solar PV feed in tariffs by 12 percent

Here is another article on CleanTechies : ” Feed-in tariffs for industrial installations in France decreased by 12 percent beginning on September 1st. This move was done to prevent overheating in the sector. According to the French Minister for Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Town, Mr. Jean-Louis Borloo, the objective of having 5,400 MW of

France cuts solar PV feed in tariffs by 12 percent Read More »

France to have 3,000 MW of offshore wind by 2015

Here is another post on CleanTechies : ” According to the AFP, the French government will launch next month a tender for contracts of 10 billion euros ($12.6 billion) to build 3,000 MW of offshore wind capacity.” ” 600 wind turbines will be implemented within five to ten sites in Normandy, Brittany and the regions

France to have 3,000 MW of offshore wind by 2015 Read More »

France announces massive investment in cleantech

Here is my latest post for CleanTechies : ” The French government recently announced a large investment program for renewables and green chemistry. The investment, totaling $1.75 billion will be allocated over the next 4 years. ” Named Démonstrateurs énergies renouvelables et chimie verte – or renewable energy and green chemistry demonstration – this program

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IEA to France: increase electricity prices and competition

After a long break I am finally back to writing for CleanTechies. The occasion was given by the International Energy Agency as it released on Monday its latest country report on France. As I wrote there : Although France has not been immune to the global economic downturn, the climate change plan known as the

IEA to France: increase electricity prices and competition Read More »

Europe must cut its CO2 emissions by 30 percent

This is the message published today in three leading European newspapers by the Environment Ministers of the United Kingdom, Germany and France, respectively Mr. Chris Huhne, Dr Norbert Röttgen and Mr. Jean-Louis Borloo. This bold call for action changes from the traditional European Union’s message which clings to cutting emissions by 20 percent by 2020.

Europe must cut its CO2 emissions by 30 percent Read More »

A glimpse at the farms of the future

I am fortunate to have half of my family living in the countryside with family members working as farmers. I believe this enabled me to discover the marvels of Nature at a young age. While working one sunny afternoon in April  I was reflecting with one of my uncles that the cow manure collected daily

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Why it’s time to increase electricity prices

One of the main facts of the latest World Energy Outlook is that energy efficiency “is the largest contributor in reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases , accounting for over half of total abatement by 2030.” This means that it has more impact than renewable energies, nuclear power and clean coal combined. But energy is

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China has per capita emissions higher than France

This was a shock to me. To TreeHugger : ” According to an assessment of per capita carbon emissions by the Netherlands Environmental Agency, China now emits on a per person basis more than France. ” While emissions in France in 2009 were 6 tons, those in China were 6.1 tons -up from 2.2 tons

China has per capita emissions higher than France Read More »