Cleantech investments need to soar

According to a report published in May by the International Energy Agency,  the clean energy investments needed to limit temperatures from warming to 2 degrees Celsius: an additional $44 trillion ( 32 trillion euros ) by 2050. This means spending an additional $1.2 trillion in cleantech ( like solar, wind, geothermal, bioenergy…. ) per year for the next 36 years

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A trillion dollar a year in cleantech is needed

A thousand billion dollars, this the kind of money we need to invest every year to keep the world from warming more than two degrees Celsius, according to the UN climate chief Christiana Figueres, quoting IEA figures. In an interview with the Guardian, she stated that investments in clean technologies have to at least triple

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Carbon tax endorsed by IMF and OECD

We have seen it quite a few times in the previous months : taxing carbon is a good idea as it already works in Australia, Ireland and British Columbia. Emissions reductions have been quite noticeable in all cases. As a result, more countries will follow suit, such as the People’s Republic of China, South Africa

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IEA World Energy Outlook 2013

The World Energy Outlook from the International Energy Agency is a key publication when it comes to energy and climate issues as it presents key indicators, facts and trends from renowned experts. This year the IEA outlined the importance of ending fossil fuels subsidies – which amounted to $544 billion / 400€ billion last year,

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Energy efficiency delivers a lot, could do more

You know it if you have been reading this blog for some time : I am quite passionate about energy efficiency and its huge potential. Now here come two major reports that will hopefully transform you in energy efficiency enthusiasts. The International Energy Agency ( IEA ), the OECD energy office, have published recently a

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Wind could account for 18% of global electricity by 2050

The electricity mix of 2050 is getting a bit clearer. To the International Energy Agency analysts, wind power could be behind 18 percent of the global electricity mix by mid century. This has to be compared to a tiny 2.6 percent to date. As the IEA notes : ” The nearly 300 gigawatts of current

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