Can the Chinese nuclear expansion be safe ?

To Yale Environment 360 : “In the wake of the Fukushima meltdowns, some nations are looking to move away from nuclear power. But not China, which is proceeding with plans to build 36 reactors over the next decade. Now some experts are questioning whether China can safely operate a host of nuclear plants.” Indeed, building […]

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The huge global potential of geothermal

Here is another renewable energy we little hear about… According to a new publication from the IEA, geothermal could provide about 3.5% of annual global electricity production, 3.9% of energy for heat by 2050. As the press release notes : ” there is potential to achieve at least a tenfold increase in the global production

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IEA: Chances to limit rising temps “bleaker”

To the IEA : ” CO2 emissions reach a record high in 2010; 80% of projected 2020 emissions from the power sector are already locked in. Energy-related carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions in 2010 were the highest in history. ” ” After a dip in 2009 caused by the global financial crisis, emissions are estimated to have

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Carbon Capture and Storage fails to deliver

You may perhaps remember it, the International Energy Agency is banking a lot on carbon capture and storage (CCS). Indeed, the IEA believes that it could account for 15 % of greenhouse gases emissions reductions. However, CleanTechnica got an interesting article on how this solution fails to deliver. One of the main reasons is that

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Cleantech is progressing fast

… but fossil fuels are progressing even faster. This is in a nutshell the message from the International Energy Agency’s (IEA, the OECD energy office) latest report, the Clean Energy Progress Report. As GreenTechMedia noted : ” Renewable energy generation has grown, on average, by 2.7 percent a year since 1990. Electricity generation, however, has

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Renewables market worth $600 billion by 2015

Renewable energy sources are progressively going from the fringe to the mainstream. Indeed, to the IEA they may provide as much electricity to the grids than coal by 2035. Now, here is a market study that provides further evidence : ” According to the new market research report ‘Global Renewable Energy Market Outlook (2008 –

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IEA unveils its latest report : WEO 2010

Like every year at this period, the International Energy Agency published this week its latest World Energy Outlook (WEO). This year it is focusing on how country members can reach the goal they committed to in Copenhagen. Indeed limiting the rise in temperatures to 2°C is an important goal that requires a plan of action.

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IEA to France: increase electricity prices and competition

After a long break I am finally back to writing for CleanTechies. The occasion was given by the International Energy Agency as it released on Monday its latest country report on France. As I wrote there : Although France has not been immune to the global economic downturn, the climate change plan known as the

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China becomes the world’s first energy consumer

According to the International Energy Agency, China became in 2009 the world’s biggest energy consumer in front of the USA. Indeed it consumed 2.25 billion tons of oil equivalent (TOE) while the latter consumed 2.17 billions. To the Wall Street Journal : ” China’s total energy consumption was just half that of the U.S. 10

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