Air pollution

The medical case against climate change

Deniers stating that climate change is a threat for the distant future forget that air pollution from coal fired plants, industry and vehicle exhausts are just a huge threat to our present as well. 

Pollution is the top killer in developping nations

What kills the most people in developping countries ? You might think about AIDS / HIV. Or malaria… No : it’s pollution, which killed no less than 8.4 million people in 2012. In comparison, AIDS “only” killed 1.5 million and malaria 600,000.

China’s coal consumption is decreasing

In the past few weeks different news from China made me feel hopeful for our common climate and civilization. Indeed, the country’s coal consumption has started to decrease, with a 2.9 percent cut in 2014.

Happy and sustainable new year 2015

Dear all, friends and unknown, humble visitors to loyal susbscribers and followers, I would like to wish you all a happy and sustainable new year 2015. Today, January 2nd, this humble blog turns EIGHT.

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