Al Gore

Worth an article – my February 2010 tweets

I have been committed for three years to bring you each month a selection of the latest headlines and best researches on sustainable development, climate change and the world energy sector. However, I don’t blog as much as I would like to and generally write around 25 posts per month. However, many more great news […]

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International Day of Climate Action

Today is special as 350 is organizing the International Day of Climate Action. In 181 countries over 5200 events are taking place for the most widespread day of environmental action in the planet’s history. 350 is “ an international campaign dedicated to building a movement to unite the world around solutions to the climate crisis–the

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Al Gore’s brilliant plan to repower America

Al Gore, the former US Vice President and co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize with the IPCC, wants to take the opportunity of having a President that promotes change to repower America. To do so, he launched a new website and wrote a most interesting article in the New York Times which perfectly sums up

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Can the USA get 100 % of their electricity by clean energies ?

If you don’t read US environmental blogs, you may not know that yesterday Al Gore issued a speech that may become as historical as JFK’s one on sending a man on the Moon. Indeed, the former Vice President proposes to produce a 100 percent of the country’s electricity by low carbon energies within ten years.

Can the USA get 100 % of their electricity by clean energies ? Read More »

Al Gore’s new presentation : fantastic !

It seems that the former vice president of the United States and Nobel Peace Prize Al Gore (pictured left) is more and more in the news. This is due to me to make major topics of the environment protection and climate change mitigation in the elections which will happen later this year in the USA.

Al Gore’s new presentation : fantastic ! Read More »

Al Gore’s new plan : the WE campaign

It made the headlines of several US environmental blogs, Al Gore launched a $300 million advertisement campaign due to raise awareness on climate change. Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection indeed launched a three year campaign named We can solve it. Its ” ultimate aim is to halt global warming. ” With already over a

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Nobel Peace Prize 2007 goes to the IPCC and Al Gore

Today’s major event is the Nobel Peace Prize, which goes to the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and to Al Gore, for their tireless work on raising the public awareness on man-made climate change. This recognizes in perhaps the best possible way that global warming has to be fought against. The Nobel Committee was

Nobel Peace Prize 2007 goes to the IPCC and Al Gore Read More »