
China will burn coal (a little) more efficiently

According to Clean Tech, China will close down 31 GW of inefficient coal-fired plants and will replace them by cleaner and more efficient ones. This has to be compared with the 792.5 GW of coal plants at the end of 2008 in the country. Previously applied, such measures enabled the country to decrease the amount […]

China will burn coal (a little) more efficiently Read More »

Japan launches satellite to track GHG emissions

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched the world’s first satellite dedicated to tracking global greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. This will significantly increase our knowledge of their origin. Dubbed Ibuki the new satellite will collect data in 56,000 locations around the world and most specifically in developing countries, where exact figures are lacking. Tracking in

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Trains, a brilliant solution for the 21st century

It seems that trains and other mass transit systems have a bright future in front of them. As climate change and energy scarcity increase, alternatives to cars and planes are sought. What if a new generation of trains could help in solving both problems ? TreeHugger dedicated lately a certain amount of articles to such

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Certified Chinese forest reaches million hectares

According to a press release from the WWF a conservation program reached the mark of one million hectares of forests in China being certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). This is done to fight the important local illegal logging and improve the management of forests as they represent a strong defense against climate change

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A 38 billion USD green New Deal for South Korea

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)  has been advocating for a global green New Deal to restart our economies and I reported that they are not the only ones to think the same. It seems that there is at least one country so far that listened to their voices and started to implement such a

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The Greater Mekong is a biodiversity treasure

According to a recent news by the WWF, the region of the Greater Mekong (left)  is a biological treasure trove, as it enabled to discover more than a thousand new species in only ten years. Nonetheless, all these species are threatened by economic growth and the lack of environmental protection in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and

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Decreasing amounts of snow in the Himalayas

One of the most worrying consequences of climate change is the decreasing amounts of snow. At the end of winters, snow melts and  thus brings water to billions people during the drier seasons. Thus the snow of the Himalayas brings water to nearly 1.5 billion people, a quarter of Mankind. As climate change increases dramatically

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Huge air pollution: atmospheric brown clouds

I already wrote about how air pollution in China is a major issue as it kills thousands of people. Little did I know that this problem is far worse than I previously reported and that it is spreading. Indeed atmospheric brown clouds are increasing throughout Asia and are also seen in Europe or in the

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News on greenhouse gases emissions in China

For the past days I collected four articles on Chinese greenhouse gases emissions. It begun with a single tweet on October 23 reporting that they could double by 2030 if nothing was done. Then, the WWF issued a report on the external cost of coal burning in China which is estimated to $250 billion (200

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Japan to spend $4 billion on climate change

By browsing TreeHugger and other sites, I came across a news on how Japan plans to put 4 billion USD (2.80 billion euros) in its climate change mitigation schemes. This occurs as the country see its greenhouse gases emissions increase and is far from achieving its Kyoto Protocol goals, and this even with the efforts

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