
The major threat of rising sea levels : the consequences (1/2)

After last week’s article on the scientific data of rising sea levels, it is time for us to have a look at how they would affect millions of people and possibly destroy assets worth billions. The OECD report mentioned last week gives us further data on this very topic and the least I can say […]

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Humanitarian implications of climate change

The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the Care NGO published last week an interesting report on the humanitarian implications of a full scale climate change. According to the conclusions, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Indonesia (representing populations worth of 1,587 million people) are particularly at risk from increasing  climate-related phenomena. But

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Beijing Olympics and the fear of bad air quality

After the algae bloom come the worries on Beijing’s air quality. To improve this, the local government took a drastic measure : cars will be allowed to drive on alternate days. This measure is due to decrease by up to 60 percent the pollution of the 3.3 million cars of the city. Meanwhile, new subway

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Japan largely threatened by climate change

According to a new report by the WWF, Japan would largely suffer from a full scale climate change. Even as I write these lines, the country is facing the first consequences. One of the main results of global warming is rising sea levels. A huge problem for a country like Japan where nearly half of

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Over a billion climate refugees in 2050 ?

According to two different sources – the UNHCR and the NGO Christian Aid – as much as a billion people may find themselves homeless or stateless by the middle of century. Stateless might be too strong a word, but with the situation of countries like Bengladesh and many islands threatened by rising sea levels, this

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Toward seven billion trees planted by the UNEP ?

You perhaps remember the enthusiastic article I wrote last December on the UNEP programme that enabled to plant over a billion trees. It was such a tremendous success – two billion trees were planted in 18 months – that this institution wants to plant one tree per person on this planet : seven billions !

Toward seven billion trees planted by the UNEP ? Read More »

Soaring cereal bills and the riots of hunger

The prices of cereals keep on increasing in an important way and numerous riots of hungers already occured in many countries of South America, Africa and Asia. Biofuels aren’t the only reason for such increases – we will see below that many other factors were also involved – but they contribute in an important way.

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China’s super Ministry of Environment

China created this week a super ministry of the Environment that will push forward the issue to the core of the policies of the People’s Republic government. This occurs as the people is becoming less and less satisfied of the quality of the air it breathes and the water it drinks. Moreover, issues are more

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