
Can Obama really cut oil companies’ tax breaks ?

To the Huffington Post quoting Associated Press : ” President Barack Obama says it’s time to roll back “billions of dollars in tax breaks” for oil companies and use the money for clean energy research and development. “ We have seen it here in numerous occasions : fossil fuel companies are receiving each years billions to […]

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Which countries are taking the lead in the low carbon economy ?

AccountAbility in association with the UNEP released their Climate Competitiveness Index 2010. This report analyses the progress of 95 countries accounting for similar shares of greenhouse gases emissions. To the CCI : ” (i)n spite of uncertainty surrounding international climate negotiations (…) One third of countries show promising gains in low carbon economic growth since

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Would you buy a $10,000 sandwich ?

The most probable answer is no. Then today’s post should help you reconsidering buying bottled water. Indeed, according to Annie Leonard’s latest short video the price of a bottle of water is 2,000 times the price of tap water. I stopped drinking bottled water when I bought a Brita water filter. I could have went straight

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Who’s winning the clean energy race ?

The PEW environment group published a fantastic study on the cleantech investment in the G20 in 2009. The largest economies, both developped and developping are very different in this economic sector. China overtook the United States in cleantech investments with more than $34 billion while the latter dedicated less than $19 billion. The European Union

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The huge potential savings of small changes

This week I read an article from GreenTech Media titled When sleep saves.  This shows that a single company is due to save $400,000 (290,000 euros) this year just by putting all its computers in sleep mode when possible. I am amazed at how such a simple thing can save so much money. If such

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$2.2 trillion : the huge costs of environmental damages

The Guardian published last week a most interesting series of articles on a report to be published this year by the United Nations and Trucost which estimates the damages on the environment to $2.2 trillion per year. To the newspaper ” the activities of the world’s 3,000 biggest companies estimates one-third of profits would be lost

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Can Australia become carbon neutral by 2020 ?

While having a look at the RSS feed of TreeHugger I found something that made me smile : How Australia Could Be Carbon Neutral in 10 Years. Let’s be honest : it really can’t be done. Let’s see why here. The plan outlined by Beyond Zero Emissions states that all the energy consumed in the country

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Could Wall Street pay for your home renovation ?

I know it since my Master’s Thesis : insulating buildings and installing efficient renewable energies heaters is one of the most important ways to cut our fossil fuels consumption and greenhouse gases emissions. Meanwhile,according to a report published by Ernst & Young investing in energy efficiency is in vogue as required investments are lower and

Could Wall Street pay for your home renovation ? Read More »

E-bikes : a growing sustainable alternative to cars

We have seen previously that electric cars and vehicles are an interesting alternative to traditional cars with internal combustion engines. But another solution exist : electric bicycles. There are already 65 million e-bikes on Chinese roads and the market size is fastly increasing Such bicycles compete with cars in large cities like Shanghai as they

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