
Think the current crisis is the worse ?

According to the Guardian, Richard Branson believes that ” The next five years will see us face another crunch – the oil crunch. This time, we do have the chance to prepare. The challenge is to use that time well.” The founder of the Virgin Group and other business leaders from the United Kingdom are urging […]

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Investing in Nature provides huge returns

Evidence keeps on piling : investing in Nature and the environment is perhaps one of the best thing you can do, not only for Mankind as a whole but also for yourself as Return On Investments (ROI) are high. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) issued a report which according to the BBC shows

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We now need war time effort at war time speed

During World War II, posters were advocating a series of efforts to civilian populations to conserve energy. Similarly cars industries were producing tanks. What was done in the US in the 1940s now has to be done on a global scale. Avoiding catastrophic climate change now needs war time effort at war time speed. Governments,

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Fighting climate change makes financial sense

Some believe that with the current economic crises we can’t afford to spend extra money on climate change mitigation or on the protection of the environment. However various recent studies show exactly the opposite. In today’s article will see how and why this is possible. This occurs just a few days after I wrote on

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Big Business steps into climate change mitigation

In the last few days I came across three different news on how large companies are beginning to act on global warming and  demand climate change mitigation action from global governments. The most important is the Copenhagen communiqué a message from 600 large companies – including Nike, General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, Tesco and SC Johnson –

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We still are funding fossil fuels industries

After the quite encouraging news of Wednesday I would like to present you a study showing that the United States’ government still gives much more money to polluting fossil fuels industries rather than lower carbon solutions. This occurs as I noted last year than to the UNEP  cutting the subsidies given to big oil and

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A trillion to halve India’s GHG emissions increase

As we saw earlier this month, Indian greenhouse gases emissions are due to at least triple by 2030. However no hope of climate change mitigation should be lost as McKinsey estimates that halving this increase is possible. This would require that India allocates $1.1 trillion (750 billion euros) within the next twenty years  – an

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A global renewable energies boom

Thanks to GreenUnivers, a great French blog on green business, I came across the latest report from the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21). It presents various figures worth mentioning. Between 2004 and 2008, solar PV capacity increased sixfold to more than 16 GW, wind power capacity increased 250 percent to 121

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Investors demand strong climate change action

While many governments are slow to action, nearly 200 investors from around the world – led by Sir Nicholas Stern – are demanding strong climate change action as they see warming temperatures as a threat to the global economy. As the United Nations Environment Program notes : ” The world’s largest global investors issued a

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