
The imperative of a Green New Deal

A recent Financial Times article caught my attention as it was written by both two eminent economists: Joseph Stiglitz and Nicholas Stern. This alone would represent an important event. But the topic was even more interesting as it is an important call for action to tackle both the economic downturn and the climate change crisis. […]

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Energy conservation is the cheapest solution

Climate change is a huge problem and it has to be solved fast if we want to prevent the worst from occurring. Meanwhile, the current economic downturn makes it hard to implement costly and high tech solutions. Three different studies point to the same conclusion: energy conservation is the cheapest solution to decrease our greenhouse

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One percent for the planet (and for us)

I noted on October that the United Nations want a global green New Deal and their latest Year Book brings us more information on that as now we have an estimate of the money needed. Dedicating one tiny single percent of the global GDP to combating water scarcity, climate change and biodiversity loss would enable

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My green dream job: Chief Sustainability Officer

While browsing Dan Smolen’s blog – a real must read – I came across what became instantly my green dream job: Chief Sustainability Officer, a job solely dedicated to make companies more sustainable. According to the article an increasing amount of large American corporations now have such jobs. I wonder if smaller companies have similar

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Mc Kinsey’s report on climate change mitigation

The consulting firm McKinsey & Company published a report on the various climate change mitigation options. Supported by major institutions like the WWF or the Carbon Trust this a huge source of information. From the various renewables, nuclear power and carbon capture and storage (CCS) to energy conservation and afforestation, all major solutions are studied

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A 38 billion USD green New Deal for South Korea

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)  has been advocating for a global green New Deal to restart our economies and I reported that they are not the only ones to think the same. It seems that there is at least one country so far that listened to their voices and started to implement such a

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A global green New Deal : UNEP iniative

As stock markets keep on going down and down, there is still hope. Indeed, the UNEP launches a green economy initiative to get the global markets back to work. This represents a possible turnaround from our growth model based on the depletion of natural resources and ecosystems and thus a more sustainable development. Years ago,

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Looking for sound and profitable investments ?

At a time where stock markets plummeted around the world, you may be looking for sound and profitable investments that will pay back for themselves quite quickly and last long. You might think about putting some money in a far away country’s companies or else. The ideal solution is nearer… as a matter of fact,

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