
The three topics of the UNEP meeting in Monaco

The members of the United Nations Environment Program meet this week in the Principality of Monaco and many subjects were discussed about. From the launch of the Climate Neutral Network to the importance of climate change on marine life or the emerging green economy, there were very interesting news. I tackle below all these topics […]

The three topics of the UNEP meeting in Monaco Read More »

Investing massively in climate change mitigation

By reading Al Gore’s blog, I came to a very interesting fact. Investors are more and more interested in projects that are due to mitigate climate change. As I was reporting earlier this month, renewable energies are witnessing a real boom of private investments and it seems it is only the beginning. I discovered while

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Worldwide, 66 billion USD invested in renewables

I continue my series on the various investments realized in renewables as the Worldwatch Institute released a report giving some data on this topic. According to this NGO, global investments in these various energy sources might reach 66 billion USD in 2007, a sharp increase over 2005 and 2006. The State of the World 2008

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Suez sells 3.3 billion € of electricity in Brazil

According to various sources, including CNN Money and Challenges, the French company Suez sold for 3.3 billion Euros worth of electricity during auctions in Brazil. The electricity will be generated by a dam that the company is currently building in collaboration with local companies. The project will be ready by 2012. This project is due

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Mexico invests three billion USD in wind energy

The Mexican government plans to invest up to three billion US Dollars (2.18 billion €) in the next three years in wind power. This will be done in order to generate up to 2,000 megawatts (MW). The Ministry of Energy will team up with local companies to implement wind turbines throughout the country. Seven companies

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Investments in renewables could hit $750bn by 2016

According to Ernst & Young, one of the largest auditing companies in the world, the global renewable energies market could be the subject of investments worth up to USD 750 billions by 2016 (559 billions Euros). In 2006, the global investments in these energy sources were of USD 100 billions. According to the United Nations,

Investments in renewables could hit $750bn by 2016 Read More »